Resist The Urge.

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A soft knock interrupted the silence filling Matt's dark room. His eyes drifted over to the alarm clock near his bed and he sighed. 3:00pm. Had it really been hours since he woke up from that nightmare? He pulled his light purple sheets up over his head, not wanting to get up just yet.

"Matt, are you alright in there?" A familiar voice cooed, worry lacing every word. "It's getting a bit late and I haven't seen you come out of your room all day.."

"'Mmfine, Edd. Just a bit tired. I stayed up really late last night."

Don't get up. Don't open the door. Don't let him in.

"Oh.. well, I made everyone lunch a little while ago and wanted to know if you wanted anything to eat.." the cheery brunette explained, shifting slightly as he spoke through the door in front of him.

"I appriciate it but I'm not very hungry yet," he lied. Thoughts of Edd's blood painting his teeth quickly filled his brain, making his mouth water. He wished that the thought didn't make his stomach growl, but it did.

"Are you sure?"

Don't let him in. Don't let him in. Don't-
Matt stood from his bed, stretching slightly before practically jumping to the door. He turned the handle and pulled back the wooden wall that kept his room detached from the outside hallway. The ginger took a moment to look the shorter male up and down. He allowed a slight smile to reach his lips, hoping that it wasn't painfully obvious just how hungry he was. "Trust me, Edd, I'm doing fine."

Emrald green eyes met icy blue and the brunette nodded slowly in response. "If you say so.." he replied, obviously not entirely convinced.

The taller male shifted uncomfortably, trying to push away the urge to bite the other. With him standing so close, though, the thought was almost impossible to ignore. He ran a pale shaky hand through his tangled ginger locks, practically gripping onto the door frame to keep steady.

"Matt... you don't look so good.." Edd murmured, eyeing the other with a soft expression. "You're really pale... Well. More than usual.."

The brunette knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't manage to put his finger on what exactly it was. Something about how Matt was swaying in place was definitely not normal. And.. had he lost even more weight? Come to think of it, Edd couldn't even recall the last time Matt had eaten a full meal with everyone.

"Edd I'm.. I'm alright.." he responded, unable to remove his gaze from the other's neck as he spoke. He took in every detail. Every vain like a smooth passageway leading to complete satisfaction. He bit at his lip, attempting to cease his thoughts, but every attempt failed. "I-I'm sorry.." he blurted, quickly slamming the door in Edd's face. One more second of that and he was sure he'd lose it.

He couldn't afford to risk getting so close. His urges seemed to only grow worse and worse with every second. He needed blood. And fast.

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