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As to be expected, Matt's sudden slamming of the door startled Edd quite a bit. The brunette hadn't expected such a quick exit to their conversation and worry almost immidiately began to multiply in the pit of his stomach. He hesitated for a moment, caught between two options of action that he could take in such a situation. On one hand, he could leave the ginger be, and on the other he could find out what was troubling his friend.

In the end he decided that it would be best not to pry. Matt was normally an open book so Edd figured that the taller male would explain his actions when he felt that he was ready. "Hope you feel better, Matt.." the brunette murmured to the door in front of him. After a solid five minutes or so he took his leave, retreating to the kitchen to grab another can of cola before going back to his room.

On the other side of the door sat a panicked Matt. His stomach was growling like crazy and he couldn't shake the craving for blood that rested just below his tongue. He closed his eyes, gnawing down on his lip with sharpened teeth in an attempt to ignore what he so badly wanted. He needed to tell Edd. He needed to tell him before the urges became too much to handle.

Finally the vampire stood, his legs shaking below him as he did, and opened his bedroom door. He peered out into the hallway, his eyes nearly glowing in the dim light. The coast was clear. For now. He made his way slowly towards Edd's room, hesitating before knocking gently on the door. "E-edd..?" He asked, his voice low as he spoke. "We need to talk.."

((Yikes this is kinda short aha.. sorry for the wait, guys! I hit a sort of writers block for this chapter.. I knew very well what I wanted to write but just didn't know how exactly to go about it. Anyways, updates should be more regular now because I've moved past that horrid block. Thank you to everyone enjoying my story so far!! :D hopefully I continue to entertain. -T))

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