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It had been a solid month since Matt had been bitten and the mental scars still managed to stick. He found that every night he would wake from a horrible dream-reanactment of how it happened. How he became this monster. It managed to take a huge toll on his emotions and he couldn't quite see any of it getting better. How could it?

On top of that, the ginger refused to tell any of his friends about the situation. He didn't want to scare them off. So in turn, he became more distant. He found himself hiding behind thick walls of concealer and a locked bedroom door. Luckily, nobody seemed suspicious. It was not a foreign occurrence for Matt to wear makeup or stay hidden in his room. The boys figured that he was just taking more time to worship himself, or something along those lines. They couldn't be more wrong.

Matt began to cover his mirrors, not having the heart to throw them out completely and yet unable to bear the sight of himself. He hated the way his eyes seemed to glow in certain light and he absolutely despised just how pale he had become. He could remember a time in which he had wished to become a vampire and how cool he thought that it would be. Now, though, he simply wanted a way to reverse what had happened. This wasn't fun. Hiding in fear of being hated is never fun, after all.

The worst part of it all, aside from basically lying to his friends, was the hunger. The thirst for blood that could not be ignored. With every passing second the urges to tear flesh and taste that red liquid grew. Matt found it hard to be around his loved ones without daydreaming about draining their precious insides. His big heart is what kept him from doing just that. Disgust filled every fiber of his being at such thoughts. He couldn't bring himself to go through with his new instinctive urges, no matter how badly his body needed him to.

Food no longer satisfied him. Of course, he could still eat it, but only small amounts at a time. Too much would result in emptying the contents of his stomach against his will. Things that once kept him healthy now provided no nutrients. The vampire practically lived off of water due to the fact that normal food was nothing more than a pointless filler. Despite the thinning of his physical frame, he continued to refuse the fuel that he needed. It simply was not worth it to him. Drinking the blood of anyone was disgusting and immoral. He rejected the idea completely, even if it meant that he would hurt himself in the long run.

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