Sora's Wing, Kingdoms of the Kibirds: Herala and Deepsea

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Herala watched, as she did each morning, for any threats of her home. Her vibrant purple fur stuck out from the green of nature, and she used it to her advantage: she pretended to be relaxing. If one of her fellow Guardians came by, she would explain, and rarely did they not understand.

     And, one day, the prentending paid off when a tresspassing Kibird approached her. He seemed ragged, as if he had been away from any Kibird civilization for some time. His rough and matted fur was a dark, dark blue, almost black, but his ears had a lighter shade of blue. His eyes were a vibrant green, like Herala's own. He wore no pendant on the small chain around his neck, while Herala's lanturn pendant glowed softly. She wondered if he knew it's significance.

     "Hello," she said, standing slowly. She did her best to seem friendly and calm to the strange Kibird. "Some call me Hela. And you are trespassing, why, now?" He had taken a breath to introduce himself, and was taken aback from her question. Her smile broadened, and it was a true smile. Then she saw something in his stance, in his eyes, change. "I can be more dangerous than I look," she continued in the same calm tone, turning away from him. If he attacked now, she would be able to take him down easily. But he still seemed to hesitate. "But you don't believe that, do you? You think you can beat me if things get ugly." She looked back at him just slightly. "Warnings aside, let's be civil about this, shall we? Starting with your name and purpose." He scowled and took another breath to defend himself, but she again cut him off. "I apologize for not letting you speak before. I can be such a blabbermouth." She winked at him as she finished, her voice almost sing-song like.

     The blue Kibird seemed to study her, judging her words, tone, stance, and actions. "My name?" he asked, his voice almost as deep as his fur color. "It's Deepsea."

     Herala waited a moment, waiting for his purpose. When he didn't offer it, she asked for it again. "And your purpose, Deepsea?"

     "My purpose is my own." He didn't sound or seem agressive, but his eyes were wary. His tail flicked from one side to the other.

     Herala watched him in silence a second more. "My people would very much like to meet you, stranger."

     "Who said I was going to your people?" he asked, tensing, his voice hardening.

     Herala noticed this action, and sat down and liked one of her paws, shrugging. "No one. I assumed that was why you were tresspassing."

     "I'm passing through."

     "You were going east, friend. And east is through my home. Would you like me to escort you?"

     "I need nothing from you," Deepsea said. "Let me pass and we can go our seperate ways."

     The look in his eyes gave it away. "You've lost your pendant, Deepsea. You are worn and tired; it would not feel honorable if I were to let you be on your way without any help." That was partially the truth. The other part was that she would have to talk to the King Kibird about him.

     He wanted to refuse. It was written on his face. But he also knew it would be a while before he found anywhere to get more food. "Fine," he said, trying to sound more reluctant than relieved. "Show me to your home, Hela."

     "Gladly," she trilled, standing and leading the way. Her home was on the outskirts, so she didn't pass any Kibirds who would question Deepsea's presence. However, he stopped when he noticed Heral's name on the door to the home his guide was leading him to.

     "You said your name was Hela," he said, taking a few steps back.

     "I said no such thing," Herala replied, still light and calm in tone. She opened the door. "I had told you I was called by some Hela. You can't tell me you gave me your real name, can you?"

     Deepsea was silent. "No. Just don't poison my food."

     "I have no such access to poison, Deepsea, that is for the Bloomersto handle. I am a Guardian. What were you?"

     Deepsea studied her again. "I was an Explorer. Then I got lost. I have since renounced my old life, ever since the day I lost my tear pendant. I am now Deepsea, but I was once named Dorenei."

     "My name is Herala, Explorer Dorenei, Wanderer Deepsea. And I welcome you to my home. For now, what is mine in food, is also yours."

     Dorenei nodded and dipped his head. "Thank you, Guardian Herala." He glanced for a moment at her lanturn.

     They stood in silence. "I wish I could show you around the village," she said. "But I have to let our King Kibird know of your presence. You may either accompany me to him, or you may stay here."

     Dorenei looked around her home, then back at her. "I will wait here."

     Herala dipped her head in respect to his decision and went in search of King Kyuya.

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So I made this some time ago, and haven't touched the second part I have to this much since, unfortunately. The world and species are OwlStream's, and she makes references and culture for them on her deviantART, Fantasybird. I suggest checking her account out!

Herala (aka Hela or Helara) and Deepsea (Dorenei) are both my characters. King Kyuya is Owl's.

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