M(T)PJ: DF - Being an Amnesiac

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A random journal entry realization from Pearl at some point, maybe after the Hidden Land stuff.

My memory, as it returned, told me of a different person. Someone so full of life it was spilling out her ears, into every action she did, even though she was in danger, and was so impulsive. I knew that girl still existed, for I can tell about some times when I've been so impulsive in my choices in this world, but she was much more disciplined. She was quieter, and even had something like a strategy for letting that impulsive nature loose.
I am a different person, a more cautious person, than I was before. I've grown. Will I be recognized as the girl who left her world when I go back? I don't know. But I don't think I hate who I've become, anyway. Pika told me when I mentioned it to him that he couldn't imagine me any other way, and Hex hesitantly said she could see where I would have come from. Kip, or Lidin as I keep trying to correct myself, told me that I have changed much in this time away, but that I was still me. Am I really? I can't tell. I can't see myself being so spontaneous anymore, even though I know I was. But it happened to another person, it feels like. Maybe I'll become something of a hybrid in my impulsive nature and my newfound cautious one.
Only time will tell.

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May 27, 2018
I had the idea because I see so much of a growth with how I write Crystal's character as of late, basically 2017 onward, from how I originally wrote her in my first book in 2015. Of course my writing style has become a bit more refined and calm instead of Let's have everything happen now! That's over... More random stuff! and I'm very glad about the change.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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