Future Pokémon Idea [M(T)PJ: New Beginnings]

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It won't have a two slapped onto it, it will have a proper title (that's been changed). Also, by this time Crystal/Pearl can use most moves at will, not just having four at a time, and she is in Unova, and in this she's probably in Pinwheel Forest or something.

     I was tired of running. I couldn't do it anymore. I could barely muster the will to shift to a Pokémon form, much less run. I guess that was solved for me anyway; we were trapped. Charizard couldn't fly, his wings had been cuffed in some way that prevented them from opening to their full extension, and he was being detained further by Team Plasma by their water-types, though he continued to fight how he could. Serperior and Venusuar were surrounded and burned from fire-type Pokémon. Lucario was at my back breathing heavily, both of us in mirrored fighting-stances. He made no other noise, but he was weak like me. Luxray was trapped in the ground her legs down, from some move ground-type Pokémon had done, and there were metal rods placed around her to prevent her from doing much else than roar in protest as sparks and thunder flew from her. Persian was the only one who seemed in any way fit to continue battling, as  he swiftly and agilely kept moving, never stopping for a heartbeat. But, having known him for years, I could see that would end quickly.

     The roars and protests of my Pokémon were barely registering, but I knew they were there. It might have been me trying to put aside the pain that caused me.

     One of Team Plasma's higher-placed members stepped forward. "And you say you care for the very Pokémon who you brought into such danger?" he called, taunting.

     "I don't lie," I said, barely able to get my voice loud. "I'm out here with them, fighting along side them, fighting for them. I don't ask them of anything I wouldn't do myself."

     "You say that?" he scoffed. "Then battle for their freedom from us, as they were doing for you."

     Red light shimmered from their ranks, and many small Pokémon were brought out of their Pokéballs. The thought of battling one, much less all of them, made me want to just give up and fall to the ground. But their freedom...

     "Do you accept?"

     The foe Pokémon were far enough away. I could transform into something, anything, to fight them. I had to.

     "Do I have a choice?" I retorted. Over my shoulder, I turned to Lucario, and said softer, "Go. Help Charizard get out of the metal bindings on his wings, help everyone. I've got this."

     He wanted to argue. He really did. He knew how weak I was, and he wanted to protest, to be loyal. I saw it, clear as day, on his face. But without a word, he nodded, and went toward the other Pokémon of my team. Then I faced the mob of Pokémon, discretely used Aqua Ring with as little water from the surrounding ground as possible, and called out, "I accept."

     The Pokémon rushed toward me, looking like an instant stampede. I changed to a Liepard quick, causing me more pain with everything breaking and reforming at once, but I was ready when the fastest ones were closest to me. I faintly heard gasps before that, but I paid it no more mind as I started the dance of combat. First, I used Flame Wheel, the fire flowed from my mouth and I rolled into the stampede. Some Pokémon tried to get out of the way, but they were so tightly packed. I managed to get through them all, and I turned around. My back was to the Plasma members now.

     I felt relief, and was thankful I used Aqua Ring when I did. It wasn't much help, but I needed it badly.

     Then I decided to use Swords Dance, followed by Earthquake as I dug my claws into the ground. Pokémon stumbled, I heard Luxray yowl in pain, and I felt multiple attacks cut, burn, and otherwise wound me. Then an all-too-familiar idea came to mind. I wasn't thrilled about it, I never was, but I decided Self Destruct would be a good way to end the one-sided battle. I'd like to be cocky and say I was the over-powered side, but it was too obvious who would win. I mustered what energy I could and ran into the Pokémon, feeling more sluggish with every hit I took, and quickly used Dig, then bided my power for Self-Destruct. Some of their Pokémon were psychic-type, I'm sure they could sense me and quite possibly my power. When I resurfaced, though, Pokémon were around me, and I let the power explode.

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