Mysterious Realms Short - From One Emerald to Another

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    The room was empty, wards against eavesdropping in place. "Alright, Myrkr," Evjit said into the empty room. He was in his Hybrid form, with the ears, tail, and fangs of a cheetah, and feline emerald eyes. "My history with the Queen, and with your mother.

     "I, like you, was made the Emerald of Ysamaldrí very young. But Ysamaldri chose me, asked permission to kill me, to imbued my very being with her magic, then bring me back from the Land of Immortals. I was seen as special. Almost royal.

     "I was introduced to Tahl'drí not long after, and took some -- but few -- classes with her. Every year I was sent to the Pretnè academy, like you and Del were, and she had to show up for the etiquette classes. We were always partnered, it was for the best, they all said. Back then, I suppose they all were hoping to see us rule the Jungle as king and queen. Be that as it may, I was the only high-noble male Cí'mehia there, who was in any way respectful... they didn't want to socialize her with the wrong kind of Mythic, only the best to produce such... be it biology or through her rule.

     "Wishes were granted, that day... we became inseparable. Best of friends. She started taking more classes, and I had many that matched. We flirted, all in jest, once we'd caught wind of the plans for her future... and true feelings bloomed. I was the first to admit it, she took a few days to let it sink in. We dated many years, gossip raged about us; were we expecting? Were we going to make it official, and had a wedding planned? This bothered her more so than it did me, and for a short while she insisted on secret meetings, even for casual conversation. But I drew her out of her shell. And as time went on, it looked to almost everyone that I would be the next king.

     "Everyone but me."

     Evjit's eyes glazed, staring at the wall of his room, not really seeing it. "She was not fit to be a mother." He sighed. "And I told her. We were still so close, but on the inside she was distant. She wouldn't speak of her personal life to me. Our relationship, once stronger than diamond, turned to silver chains; the experiments were the only thing keeping us together at that point. The Gemstone of Ysamaldrí experiments.

      "Dhalra, was a G. S. at the time -- do you know what that stands for, it means genetic specialist -- and she was assigned to us because of her skill and knowledge of genetics and their bounds. She left many years ago, no longer using her talent...

     "We fell in love. She was the warm personality a mother should have, and royalty wasn't stress-free. Not even Gemstones have a chance at an easy life, either hiding or trying to be the important figure we agree to be."

     Evjit laughed, almost harshly. "In that regard, I'm almost thankful Death chose me, but I regret I've never been there for you or Delrahj, others have had to take my place...

     "I still love Tahl'drí, I really do. But she wouldn't have known what to do to raise Cí'mehia kits. I could have taken over, but neither of us would ever meet any peace. It was for the best, but it broke my heart just as much as hers. She needed to let her heart lead sometimes...

     You said I was just like her, Myrkr said in thought.

     "Don't cut off your feelings, Myr," Evjit said. "Your mission, you were perfect for it... but you aren't a tool. Please, don't live like one..." Myrkr, even detached from her body, shed real tears.

     "Your mission was to gather information that would enable those of your Isle -- I do mean Revak Feykro Isle -- to attempt to end this war. You knew there would be no second chance, so there could be no mistakes. You always knew they Trained Sanguine and yourself in finer arts of combat and war; you let yourself only get close to Sanguine because you truly believe he's invincible -- when you are a team."

     Evjit's voice caught with Myrkr's tears. They seemed to double, he wasn't sure if he was crying, too.

     "But that's not who you are, my daughter... you are your mother's daughter, playing a role you never should have had to play.

     "I see your fears, Myr," Evjit whispered gently. "It's not too late to change, you've just started living... I want you to be happy, not cold." He sighed sadly.

     But I've done this all my life...

     "Your friends can help. One in particular."

     It's Sang, isn't it?

     "I said 'friend,' not 'brother,' Myrkr," Evjit teased, smiling as tears still slipped down his face. "It's Maple. She knows the way back, as she was once warm... you both can find it."

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