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Hi! Welcome to boyfriend hotline. Where you can date your ideal guy anytime.

Jimin was in the middle of browsing the internet when an advertistment popped out the headline written in bold, bright red colour.

Hmmm... It seems cool... Jimin thought to himself not really thinking that the site was real. He thought it was created for fun-like a what type of guys fits you quiz-like website.

Boy he thought wrong....

He clicked on the start button and was directed to a page where he had to fill up a form.

Name: Park Jimin
Date of Birth(Age): 13101995(22)
Origin: Busan
Phone Number: 101-3345-678


Younger/ Elder partner Younger

Ideal Personality:-
Cheerful, easy to get along with, cute, charmful,has visuals, from Busan.

Lastly,do you


Jimin blushed slightly reading the last question before hastily proceeding to answer the question.


The first chapter just roughly explains the story.

The few chapters after this would be in chat form. I would still write in 'story form' from time to time to explain in details

So.... Yeah... Here is the update.

Btw, *sniffs* do I smell another update tonight???

Special chapter thanks to BTS's comeback up soon!!! 😉😉🤗🤗

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