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The world as we know it is gone. Cities are overrun, people are corrupt, children are dying left and right. Nothing in the world is ever the same anymore, not since the plague took a hold of the world. No one knows how it started, some say birds carried it, others say some secret lab mad the disease, some even say it started by a cold. However it started it has grown much worst than it was in the first week. In the first week the news said that it was just some illness that was going around and that it'd pass. The beginning of the second week the news said the CDC was looking for a cure for this new sickness. By the third week there was no more news and the radio was telling everyone to flee to Atlanta.

When everyone got there it was too packed, people who were infected got there and the sound of gunfire, cars, and people drew the monsters to the city, the city got overrun by these monsters. What are the monsters, you ask. The monsters are the dead come back to eat the living. A bite from these monsters will turn you into one of them. They only feel hunger and nothing else. Their soul purpose in life is to eat, infect, and kill. Nothing can satisfied their hunger except the flesh of living beings.

When the city got overrun by these monster they sent bombs down to kill as many as they could, but it was to no avail. The city was gone, taken over by the undead, by the walkers. Many lives were taken on this night, many fled, but others found sanctuary at a small place, a pull off of the high way. The few who made it there has been living at this small camp for five weeks. It doesn't feel like a month has past, but it has. These people have managed to survive this long, but how much longer can their luck go?

No one is safe in this world and there will never be a normal life again. There is no going back from here.

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