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Cricket wakes up and groans, holding her head, which was aching like crazy. Beside her was cute three chihuahuas in a bed. "Glad, you're awake." Cricket looks over and sees Glenn standing there.

"What happened?"

"Don't know about you, but I came into the alley and you were being held by this Spanish guy, another was beating Daryl, another laid on the ground crying in pain. Long story short they were after the guns too. They wanted them in order to protect the old people they have here." Cricket frowns and looks around to see a bunch of old people sitting around being cared for by a bunch of Hispanic people. "They just want the guns to protect their people. They made a deal with our group saying they'd hand us over for the guns and their third man, the one who had been laying on the ground in pain."

"But they're not hurting us, it's not like we can't just go."

"I know, but... I thought they could use them. Plus they did threaten to shoot us." Cricket sighs and rubs her head. "What happened to you? Do you remember, I didn't see them hit your head and they said they didn't."

"I tried to stop Daryl from shooting the kid, but he pushed me. He hit the kid with the crossbow, I hit my head on my head on the wall."

"Daryl pushed you?" Cricket sighs and looks over at him.

"He didn't mean it, it was the heat of the moment. I know he wouldn't do it if he was thinking clearly."

"Still, you have a nasty concussion because of that guy." Cricket sighs and nods.

"I know." She looks over as she saw a man breathing heavily. "Is he okay?" She asks, loud enough that the other men heard.

"Asthma attacked." One of the men say, causing her to frown.

"Help me up, Glenn."

"What?" Glenn asks surprised.

"I know how to handle asthma attacks. A girl at the camp I went to had them. She taught me how to help it in case she has an attack." She walks over to the man. "We don't need an inhaler for me to help him."  They nod and gave her the space she needs. She crouches down in front of the men. "I know you don't know me, but you need to breath evenly, man." She says and grabs a straw. "Put this in your mouth." He does and his breathing goes through the straw. "There you go." The straw helps him even his breaths before the doors open and more of the men before comes in along with Cricket's and Glen's group.

"Alright. Alright. Nice and easy. Just breath. Just breath. Just let it out. Just breath." One of the Hispanic man says as he walks over to the man. "Thank you." The man says to Cricket, causing her to nod and step back. The man puts the inhaler in the man's mouth and helps him breath even more better.

"What the hell is this?" Rick asks.

"An asthma attack." Cricket says as she walks over to them. "I was helping him with that."

"You okay?" Rick asks Cricket, seeing the blood on her head. He goes and touches her head, causing her to wince.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I hit my head before." She tells Rick. Daryl gives a guilty look to her, but she ignores him, she was a little upset with him.

"Yeah, he couldn't get his breath all of a sudden." Glenn says, returning to the previous conversation.

"I thought you were being eaten by dogs, man." Cricket frowns and looks over at the dogs that sat in the room.

"Those? They're harmless. They were sleeping with me just earlier, before I woke up." She says. They all looked at the dogs and frown.

"Could I have a word with you?" Rick asks the leader, who nods and walks away with Rick. They had a quick conversation together before the group follows him into another room. "What about the rest of your crew?" Rick asks the man as he puts the guns down.

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