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Off of the highway at a small clearing was a group of survivors. They have been living here for a month now, sneaking into the city for supplies whenever they could. Everyone at the camp has to do their part, but it seems the woman do most of the work. The woman are in charge of cooking, cleaning, and washing the clothes. They even scavenge for food in the woods. The men cut the fire wood and tend to the fire, but that's about it for the most of them. Glenn Rhee is the one who risks his life every week to go into the city for supplies. The Dixon family are the ones who hunt for meat and clean and dress it for the women to cook. Dale Horvath keeps an eye on camp and everyone else. Shane Walsh is the supposed leader, while all the other men do small little things to say they do their part.

It's one of the things Annabell Horvath hates about the camp. She was up every day at five washing dishes, cooking breakfast for the men and children, washing the clothes of the people who doesn't have a woman to do it for them. She stays up very late cleaning up after everyone too. The only people who even realize how much Annabell, aka Cricket, does is the Morales family, Amy Harrison, the Dixon Family, her father, Glenn, and T-Dog. All the woman bitch about how she doesn't do enough or the other solo men complain about how they do more than her. The children never notice anything around them. Cricket doesn't like a lot of things about the camp and the only thing keeping her here is her friends, father, and the fact that it's safe.

It was early morning and once again Cricket is the only one up. She was cooking breakfast for everyone and then she would go and wash the dishes for them. Her curly brown hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and she had just dressed for the day. Dressed in a white tank top with a blue flannel over it, a pair of jeans, and her boots. It was a chilly morning, but Cricket spent the night in the rv, so the cool air was very refreshing to her. The rv was always so hot and sticky, if Cricket had it her way she'd sleep on top of the rv.

The sound of a tent opening drew her attention to the Dixon tent. The Dixon were a rough group of redneck, always keeping to themselves, but so far they were harmless and they helped the camp out a lot too, not that anyone, but Cricket notices. The only one Cricket has a problem with is Merle. Merle is a sexist, racist, violent pig. Cricket does well on keeping far from the man.

Cricket sees Merle's nephew step out of the tent. Nathaniel Dixon, or more commonly known as Nate, was a good kid. He stayed out of trouble, helped out when he could, and never back talked anyone. Most would be surprised that he was related to a man like Merle, but the kid was a good kid, just very reserved, distant, and quiet. He didn't say much to anyone and he always stayed away people who aren't his family.

It was sad because the kid is a good looking kid. Short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tall muscular tan body. Cricket was sure that back before this hell happened that Nate was loved by all girls. He was dressed in jeans, boots, and a a black hoodie. On his back was his favorite black recurve bow that matched the black quiver on his back, detailed in dark red. His arrows were black with a red tip to match too. It was the only weapon Cricket ever seen him carry beside the hunting knife that rests on his right hip.

Cricket pulls her eyes from the boy and back to the food. She was cooking a little more than just herself. Since arriving she found that the Dixons got up pretty early too and so she always made enough in case they were to wake up early. Nate's eyes went to Cricket, where she cooked some breakfast and it didn't take a genius to tell he was hungry. He made his way over and Cricket smiled up at him. "Morning, Nate." He gave her a small smile, the most he ever gave anyone.

"Morning, Cricket." He says in his quiet soft spoken voice.

"You hungry?" She asks and he gave a small nod, causing her to smile. "There's plenty." She motions for him to take a seat, which he did after a moment of thinking it over. She grabs a paper plate, the regular plates dirty from the night before, and she put a good amount of food on it and handed it over to Nate.

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