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"Thanks for helping me with the fire wood, Amy." Cricket says as she walks out of the woods with Amy. Many people think Amy is just some city girl who depends on others to survive, but since meeting Amy, Cricket has tried to teacher her everything she knows. Cricket, ever since she was a little girl, has wanted to learn survival learning. Since she was 7 she had went to a survival camp where the spend the summer in the woods, surviving on nature. Now that she's older she had taken her survival skills and became a camp councilor at that very camp, now it seems all her skills are coming into use.

"You're welcome, Cricket." Ever since people heard Cricket's father, Dale, call her this they've been doing the same. "Why is that Dale calls you Cricket anyways?" She asks.

"When I was five my mom was killed by a drunk driver. I stopped talking for two years. The only thing that got me talking was when my dad called me cricket. He said I was like a cricket, barely making a sound. It just... I don't know. It got to me I guess. I told my dad that I'd start speaking if he called me that, reminding me to never give up. It was after that that I decided I wanted to learn to survive, incase something was to happen."

"Wow.... I'm so sorry. That must have been so hard." Cricket nods.

"Yeah, I was also an advanced kid. Understood death even at the early age of five, got my period when I was only 13, started having boobs since I was 14," Cricket smiles at Amy as she giggles. "You get my point."

"Yeah, I do." She giggles. "How is it that you're single?" Cricket gives a sigh as she looks at Amy.

"Guys are intimidated by me. I know more stuff than most guys, with survival stuff. I'm a tomboy, always out roughing it and it scares many guys away. I need someone who is just as tough."

"Well it's there lost. You're a cool chick." Amy says, causing Cricket to smile. "You know... Daryl is a tough guy." Cricket blushes as she looks at Amy. Cricket has very few friends at the camp who are girls, which are Amy and Miranda, both of which always tease Cricket about how perfect Daryl is for her.

"Amy, he's not interested in me. He's a loner, he cares about family than some chick-

"Can anybody hear my voice?" Cricket frowns as a voice cuts her off. "Anybody out there?  Anybody hear me, please respond."

"Is that the radio?" Cricket asks.

"Hello can you hear my voice."

"It is." Amy gasps as she and Cricket runs to the radio. They drop the wood and Amy picks up the mic. "Hey, hello?"

"Can you hear my voice?" The voice over the radio asks again.

"Yes, I can hear you. You're coming through, over."

"If anybody reads, please respond." The car says, causing Cricket to look at Amy in confusion. "Broadcasting on emergency channel. Will be approaching Atlanta on highway 85. If anybody reads, please respond."

"We're just out of the city." The radio only crackles at Amy's response. "Damn it. Hello? Hello?" Amy sighs and looks up at Cricket. "He couldn't hear me." She looks at Dale. "I couldn't warn him."

"Try to raise him again." Dale says.

"The radio is busted, Dad. We can hear him, but he can't hear us." Cricket says.

"Come on, son, you know best how to work this thing." Dale says to Shane, causing him to drop his ax and walk over to the cb.

"Hello, hello. Is the person who called still on air?" Shane asks as he bends down beside the radio. "This is officer Shane Walsh broadcasting to person unknown. Please respond." The radio only crackles causing everyone's face to turn somber. "He's gone." Shane says.

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