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Cricket sits in the back of the van beside Daryl, T-Dog across from them. T-Dog didn't like Cricket sitting beside Daryl, but there was no way of talking her out of anything when she made up her mind. "You know, the last time we went to the city your three friends left and your other two stayed. Now you're with two of your friends and the other three are back at camp." T-Dog says causing Cricket to laugh.

"Yeah, my favorite friends are back at camp." T-Dog glares at Cricket. "I mean who wouldn't rather spend their day with Amy's innocence, Miranda's jokes, and Morales consent teasing." T-Dog laughs and shakes his head.

"You wouldn't." She smiles and leans her head back.

"No I wouldn't."

"He'd better be okay. That's my only word on the matter." Daryl says.

"I told you the geeks can't get at him." T-Dog says. "The only thing that's gonna get through that door is us."

"Relax, Daryl. No use getting all angry, he'll be find." Cricket says, closing her eyes and sighing. "Tomorrow's Amy's birthday." She says, causing T-Dog to look at her. "I told her I'd do something special, don't think she'd want me getting killed."

"You ain't gonna get killed." Daryl mumbles, surprising T-Dog.

"No, but wouldn't that be something special." Cricket smiles.

"It'd shut you up for once." Daryl grumbles, causing Cricket to hit his arm.

"Oh, shut up." T-Dog smiles as Daryl glances over at her.

"No, but seriously, if we have time I want to get her something."


"Dixon, while we go up to the roof and get your brother, Cricket can look around the store, see if there's anything good to take." T-Dog says causing Cricket to smile.

"Thanks, T." He nods at her as Daryl rolls his eyes.

"No problem." She smiles as the van came to a stop.

"We walk from here." Glenn says, causing T-Dog to stand up. Cricket holds her hand up, getting a smile from T-Dog. He goes to step forward, to take her hand and pull her up, but Daryl surprises them by being the one to pull up from the floor.

"Thanks, Daryl." She smiles before heading towards the doors and opening them up. "What you guys waiting for? Let's go." Daryl moves around her and jumps down and T-Dog jumps down after him. He places his hands on Cricket's hips and lowers to the ground. "Thank you very much T." She says before stepping out of his arms and following after Daryl.


The group walks into the department store, but before they got into far, Rick held up his hand to single them to stop. He points to the walker not far away from them and motions for Daryl to take it out. "Glenn said he'd stay down here with you until your found something for, Amy." T-Dog whispers in Cricket's ear, causing her to nod.

"Damn. You are one ugly skank." Daryl whispers as he fires the crossbow, hitting it right the eye.

The guys head upstairs and Cricket begins to look for something for Amy. "Amy likes mythological stuff, like Mermaids and unicorns. I bet Andrea already got her something, so I'm going to try to look for something Andrea wouldn't have gotten her." Cricket says to Glenn before looking through the things under the glass.

"We don't have much time." Glenn tells her, causing her to nod.

"I know." She frowns and looks through the different things before finding something. "Wow, this is cool." She holds up a charm bracelet. It had seven silver charms; a unicorn, a griffin, a mermaid, a Pegasus, a dragon, a fairy, and a phoenix hanging from the silver bracelet. "She's going to love it." She says as she puts it back into its box, closing it up and frowning. "But what am I going to wrap it with?"

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