Part 18

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"Pizza's here!" Simon called from the kitchen as Vik skipped in happily. 

"How many slices do you want princess?" Simon asked, getting himself two pieces.

"Two please." Vik's voice came out in a hushed tone, causing Simon to smile and take out two slices for him. 

"There you go princess." He chuckled, sliding the plate of pizza over to Vik. Vik sat at the island and ate his pizza as he saw Simon sit next to him.

"What time is it?" Vik asked, looking up into Simon's eyes. It was like a curse - stare to long and you'll get stuck. 

"It's just gone past 7" Simon smiled, eating his pizza. Then the door went. 

"I'll get it." Simon got up, wiping his hands on his jogging bottoms and going to the door. Vik took the time to admire the place. Grey walls decorated with pictures of people and nice lights danced along the ceiling. The hard marble floor in the kitchen looked new and the carpet in the living room looked fresh. Vik really liked Simon's apartment. 

"Vik?" Simon asked, poking his head around the corner..

"Hm?" Vik let out a little hum,  raising his eyebrows. 

"Come here for a sec." Simon grinned as Vik nodded and wiped his hands on his bottoms as well. He walked over to Simon to be greeted by a stubby male with blue eyes and blonde / brown hair. He had plump cheeks and white teeth. 

"Vik, this is Ethan from the group chat." Simon chuckled as Vik's mouth gaped open. 

"Ethan!" Vik laughed, hugging Ethan. He gripped Vik in a massive bear hug. Ethan laughed his precious gold laugh and released Vik from the hug, as Vik smiled. 

"It's so good to finally meet you!" Ethan laughed, running a hand through his locks. 

"You too." Vik giggled.

"Wanna come have some pizza, Ethan?" Simon offered, walking into the kitchen. 

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Ethan giggled, walking into the kitchen as well. Vik followed behind, sitting at his original spot and eating his pizza.

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