The Kitten Tamer

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Anti's POV
I heard him talking on the phone. I knew something was up when he came back and checked on us and told us to cover up the scars. He came back into the room and looked at us once more. "Anti. Why didn't you cover up the scars?" He asked firmly. "Why? You're the one who created them why do you want to rid of them?" I asked him sitting down in front of the cage doors. He glared at me with a pissed look. He reached towards the door and was heading towards my throats right before his phone rang. "Your lucky you stupid cat!" He growled forcefully. "I'm a neko. Thank you very much. A cat has paws." I informed and he scowled at me before leaving.

After a little bit he came back in with a man with dark red hair. "Here's the special animals sir." He said waving to all of us. "Tch. Special my right testical." I mumbled. They looked at me and the man grinned while the 'doctor' glared at me. "Don't mind him Dark he's a trouble maker." The 'doctor' said and the man now known as Dark smirked. "I like him. I want him." He said and I laughed before covering my mouth. "Put a leash on me and I'm not just going to scratch you." I said seriously. "Who said I was going to put a leash on you?" He asked and I looked him in the eyes. "Let him out." Dark said sternly. "What? But we haven't locked the doors yet so he won't escape." "He won't." "Are you su-" "Yes now let him out." "Okay." He said before walking over to my cage and unlocking it. He opened the door but I stayed. "Get out." The 'doctor' said and I huffed and crawled out, cracking my back. "Jeez. First you turn me into neko. Then you beat me. Next you order me around. And now your selling me. Damn and you wonder why I hate you." I said cracking my neck. "Like I said before I want him." Dark said and I huffed again.

After all the chatting and shit Dark signed for me and I am now riding home with him. "What's your name?" He asked and I looked at him and looked away ignoring him. "I asked what your name was." He growled and I hissed. "Shut up your giving me a headache." I grumbled and he looked at me. "I can give you a real one if you want?" He said and I huffed once again. "Anti. Also it's not that easy to give me a headache." I said looking out the window. He then pulled into a driveway and got out of the car after parking. I opened the door and jumped out landing on all fours. I stood back up and brushed of my hands then shut the car door. I seen him staring at me with a grin before heading towards the door as I followed. I stood next to him as he opened the front door. As soon as the door opened I head yelling. "GOD DAMNIT JACK! STOP EATING ALL MY COOKIES!" "BUT THERE YUMMY!" "THEN GET YOUR FUCKING OWN!" Dark huffed and walked in and I followed. "Guys I'm back and I have a surprise!" Dark yelled. "What is i-" The females voice was cut off by her own gasp. "Oh. My. Fucking. God. He's so cute. C'mere." She said softly. Her entire demeanor changed. I walked towards her slowly. "What's your name cutie?" She asked sweetly. "Anti. Antisepticeye." I responded as she pulled me into a hug. I winced as the deep cuts on my arms from the lashings started to burn immensely. "Oh are you okay?" She asked instantly letting me go. "Y-Yeah." I said as I felt the burns fire up again and I winced again with a hiss. She pulled up my sleeves and gasped. "What happened to you?" She asked looking me in the eyes. "The lashings." I said and she frowned. "Follow me sweetie." She said gently taking my hand and I followed without hesitation. Something about her seems gentle, like she wouldn't dare hurt me. "No fair Aubree! He wouldn't even tell me his name!" Dark yelled and she huffed. "Shut up Dark. It's probably because your aura is darker and less inviting." She spoke louder. She lead me into a bathroom and patted the counter. "Sit, please." She said softly and I jumped and sat on the counter. She turned towards me holding a first aid kit and she smiled. "Do you mind removing your shirt?" She asked and nodded removing my shirt and she looked at my cut up body and frowned.

She soon fixed me up and was now putting bandages on me before she spoke up. "I'll be right back." She said smiling and I nodded. She left the bathroom but soon returned with a long t-shirt and a blanket. "Question, have you been hit anywhere else?" She asked and I looked down before nodding. "Where?" She asked and I felt my face heat up. She sighed lightly before rubbing my head. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, judge you, or touch you anywhere you don't want." She said then thought about it. "That came out differently than I wanted it to. What I mean is I'm not going to do anything without your consent." She said rephrasing it and I smiled then nodded. "It's fine." I said looking at her before removing my trousers. She started to clean up the rest of my body and bandaging it up. "If you want you can take a shower I'll bring you in a towel and a pair of Jacks boxers cause you seem to look a lot like him. I mean a lot. It's like Mark and Dark. But anyways do you want to take a shower or bath?" She asked laying the clothes down next to me. "Sure." I said smiling at her. "Do you want a shower or a bath?" She asked again and I looked at her. "Bath." I said and she smiled again before petting me. Absentmindedly a started purring and she chuckled softly. She stopped petting me and turned towards the shower bath and turned on the tub before walking out of the bathroom and returning with a pair of boxers and a towel, sitting them down next to the rest of the clothes. The words that slipped from my mouth shocked the both of us. "Thank you master." I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth and looked at her. "If you want to call me that you can but I'm not your master I'm your friend." She said softly with a smile. "I'm sorry." I said to her and she chuckled. "It's okay sweetie." She said to me before leaving to bathe.

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