A Surpise...?

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Yoosung placed his phone on the nightstand beside him and sat himself up on his bed to stretch out his arms after laying there for a while. If he was going to Sevens house, he needed to start getting ready. He walked over to his bathroom and took a look in the mirror. Dark circles around his eyes, a tangled mess of blonde hair, Yup. Still the same old Yoosung. He brushed over his hair to straighten it out as much as he possibly could, and splashed some water on his face to re-alert himself out of his drowsy state. His sparkling, violet eyes twinkled in the light and gave himself a reassuring smile.

"Everything's going to be okay...... I hope this isn't one of Seven's tricks..........What was he talking about when he said he had a surprise for me...? Hopefully it's a good surprise..."

Yoosung soon made himself presentable enough to where he felt comfortable to go out. He hadn't seen Seven in person in forever, and he was kind of nervous about it. He took a deep breath and stepped outside his bathroom to grab his shoes. He laced up his high-tops and grabbed his usual blue hoodie off a chair and smoothed out the wrinkles. His secured his smiley face, lolol, and star pin to the front of his hoodie. They made him feel happy when he wore them. They acted as his good luck charms, so he wore them everywhere. Once he was done getting dressed, he walked out of his dorm and made his way to the bus stop where he sat until the bus came and picked him up. He really needed to get his drivers license soon......He stared out the bus window as a million thoughts ran through his head. What did Seven have in store for him? Why was he doing this anyways? Why was he so nervous whenever he thought about meeting his best friend again? He snapped out it when he saw lightening flashed, followed by a loud thunder roll. He was startled and almost jumped out of his seat and quickly recovered by taking deep breaths and re-gained his composure. He got a few glaring stares in result of his short panic and his cheeks burned of embarrassment. he sat still again hoping they would return their attention to whatever it was before. God he was such a baby..... Not even a minute after the thunder bolt, Yoosung noticed streams of rain slowly rolling down the side of the window and heard everyone on the bus grumble. He had forgotten his umbrella..... He knew he should have checked the forecast before he left....... The intensity of the rain only began to increase after that, and soon enough it was full on down pour. About an hour later, he finally arrived at his stop and stepped off the bus to be immediately greeted by the freezing cold rain. He could feel it soaking his clothes and he struggled to hurriedly throw his hood over his head. He practically sprinted the two blocks he had to travel before he finally arrived half an hour after the expected arrival time. He muttered a swear under his breath as he breathed heavily trying to catch it. He quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard him, and continued to mutter an apology for using such fowl language. He placed his hand on the door to Sevens place to rest for a bit, when he heard a beeping chime and a robotic woman's voice came out of the speaker attached to it.

"Please say, 'I love my Elly' in Arabic." The door spoke. Yoosung was surprised at first with its sudden appearance, but then analysed what it had said. "What?!?! Arabic?!?! Seven!!!" The blonde yelled as he banged on the door in attempts to alert his friend that he had arrived. "SEVEN! OPEN UP!! ITS ME, YOOSUNG!!" He waited and waited. his hoodie beginning to weigh him down from the rain it was now drenched in. He shivered, fearing he would get hypothermia if he had to wait any longer. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the messenger app.


[Yoosung★has entered the chatroom]



[707 has entered the chatroom]






Oh...... Has Yoosung finally graced me with his presence...?






Alright alright! Sheesh! Can't a guy get some work done??


You're the one who invited me!!! You should have been ready for when I came over!!


You got me there....... Okay just give me a sec. I'm coming up.

[707 has logged out of the chatroom]


Hurry up.... T_T

[Yoosung★has logged out of the chatroom]


With a few more seconds of waiting, the door made a buzzing sound as it crack open, and revealed none other than the notorious 707. "Yoosung! Where were you?? You're 36 minutes, and 27 seconds late!!!" The taller boy exclaimed. Yoosung lifted his head up to be able to see Sevens face. He's........gotten a lot taller, hasn't he? "I was late, because i was caught in the pouring rain!! Why didn't you answer the door?? I don't know Arabic!!!!!" Yoosung snapped back. "Woah, woah! Calm down!" Seven started to laugh. "I was just messing!" Yoosung gave him an angry pouty face to show him that he wasn't happy with him, but Seven just smiled. "Y'know, you're even cuter than I remember ya. C'mon, lets go inside and get you dried off. Don't want ya getting sick on me~" He said as he yanked Yoosung by the arm inside and closed the door.

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