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When the ambulance finally arrived, Yoosung had lost consciousness. They worked together and finally snatched them out of the totaled car, and loaded both Seven and Yoosung into the vehicle, booking it to the hospital. They had just made it in time.

A few hours later, Yoosung slowly woke, confused of his surroundings. Where was he..? Was this.....A hospital...? What happene-
Then it hit him. It slowly came back to him. The car wreck. The RFA members called 911. Seven...
Panic quickly found him and with hassle, he hurried to try to escape the bed. He was suddenly yanked back by the IVs that we're stuck into his arm. He loathed what he did next. He ripped the the cords out of his arm and winced with pain. No time. Have to find Seven. Common sense never kicked into the boys brain. His only objective at the moment was to find his one and only lover. He just had to make sure he was okay. The last time he saw him, he looked completely lifeless, with blood spewing from the gash indented into his head from the crash.
God...... Please let him be okay....
The mental memory sent a chill down his spine, and a sense of unease filled the atmosphere. He rubbed his stinging arm, and quickly ran out of his hospital room.
Have to find Seven. Have to find Seven.
Have to find Seven. Have to find Seven.
Uncomforting thoughts filled his head as he ran down the hall, his bare feet making noise as they slapped against the cold, tiled floor. He went down the entire hallway, peeking in every room he came across. Each time he found there was either a stranger, or no one at all, the disappointment and worry got heavier each time. Finally, he came to the final room of the hallway, and slowly turned the doorknob, and pushed it to. He only caught a glimpse. Bright red, messy hair, pale skin, and familiar glasses carefully placed on the nightstand. But the patient seemed dead to the world. He was obviously not awake, chest slowly rising and falling with rythym. Nevertheless, he knew it was him. It was his beloved. Truly a sleeping beauty.


He almost jumped out of his skin when a firm hand was placed on top of his shoulder unexpectedly.
"Sir, What are you doing out of bed? You are not allowed to get up until your status is stable. Doctors orders. Come with me." A woman, most likely a doctor herself suddenly claimed and gently grabbed Yoosungs arm and began to pull him along.
"B-But...!" Yoosung began, but was cut off. "I know, I know... That's your friend back there in that room, isn't it? We found him next to you at the crash site. He was banged up pretty badly... I suspect its because he was in the side that the other car hit most. But, you shouldn't worry about him at the moment. You need your rest. Understand?" It almost seemed as if she wasn't asking, more like commanding. Yoosung didn't know how he felt about her, even though she seemed nice enough.... They entered the tiny room that Yoosung first woke up in, and the lady cleaned up the mess that he made. "They was a bit of a panic whenever a nurse came in here to see if you were awake, and there wasn't anyone there haha.... Just be sure to take it easy sir, okay? The sooner you recover, the sooner you can go see your friend." Yoosung nodded at that. It seemed like a fair deal. He just needed to see Seven as soon as he could. He needed to see his face. He needed to see his smile, and hear his laugh again. They were the only things keeping him going this whole time. With that, the lady settled him in, and headed out the door again, leaving Yoosung in complete silence. Why, of all things did he have to be bed bound? He would give anything to see Seven. He was so close as well..... The medicine he had been given started to take affect, and he suddenly felt drowsy. His lavender eyes drooped and struggled to stay open much longer. He used all of his energy for that pointless exploration. He laid back down, resting his head against the cold pillow.

Let us meet in the world of dreams, Luciel.....

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