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While the kiss seemed never-ending, the Ferris wheel continued to spin back down. They had shut out the outside world and only were only focused on each other.

"Sirs... "


They each jumped back, leaving a thin trail of saliva between them.
"H-Huh..?" Seven finally gave a response to the impatient worker.
"The ride has stopped.... It's time to get off now...." He spoke, unamused. He gave the two the most piercing, judgmental stare that made them both uncomfortable as they helped each other off, and shuffled away.
Once they were out of ear shot, they both looked at each other and exchanged childish giggles. "So... Was that...?" Yoosung began. "I think so...!" Seven said, adrenaline flowing through his veins. They had no idea how or why it happened, but it did. They both confessed and even shared a kiss. Yoosungs first, in fact. "You taste like cotton candy." Seven smiled widely. Yoosungs cheeks turned pink at the compliment. "Oh yea...? You taste like Honey buddah chips and Dr. Pepper." Seven let out a laugh. "Hmm.... I wonder why..!" This made both of them break out in laughter. Yoosung wiped a tear from his eye and calmed himself down to ask a question. "Hey Sev..?" He returned his attention up to his partner. "Yea Yooey??" He looked down to him with caring, golden eyes. "Did you.... Really mean what you said back there...?" He wondered if Seven only said it because he did, and he only wanted to be sure he meant it. "Of course I did! I really and truly love you, Yoosung. I've been wanting to tell you since forever now.... But I didn't know if you swung that way... Did you..?" Seven said, looking down to the dirt and kicking up a small cloud of dust. "I wouldn't have said it first if I didn't mean it!" They started to laugh once more. Yoosung snorted, causing them to laugh louder. Once the laughter died down, they took each others hand and began to walk back towards Sevens car. "Anything you wanna do..? The nights still young." Seven said, looking at his wristwatch. "Hmm.... how about the local arcade...? It just opened up two weeks ago, and I've been dying to check out what games they have!" Yoosung suggested. "Great idea, Yooey! I know how much you love games, so this'll be perfect! Once we're done there, we can go back to my place, and do whatev~" With that, Seven winked at Yoosung, and led him to his car. Yoosung didn't know what he meant by that, but it made his face flushed. What did he mean by that..? Gah...
Yoosung quickly pushed the possibilities out of his mind and buckled his seat belt while Seven put the keys in the ignition and cranked it. There were soon on the road again, sitting in silence. Except, the thick silence wasn't awkward this time. It was more comforting than anything. The each knew in the back of their minds that even though they weren't hearing them at the moment, they could each feel the presence of their new-found lover. They were each so blind to not see it before. Yoosung was always whining about never having a girlfriend in his life, but now he was more than satisfied with never having one till the day he died. Seven had been extremely lonely these days, and he knew why. His job prevented him from having a love life, because they would only get in the way. But, since Yoosung was in the RFA, He could chat with him with much less struggle than being in a relationship with someone outside of the organization. But then a thought hit him. How would the other members react to his and Yoosungs new relationship...? He hadn't even came out yet, nor showed signs of being gay.... He hid it pretty well for the past few years. Did they ever officially start dating, or did they both just assume they were since they both confessed their feelings.... These thoughts swirled around in his mind, branching off into more thoughts to cloud his mind-scape. How did it ever come to this? Everything that just happened between him and Yoosung couldn't have been real....... right...?
It all seemed like some make believe, fairy tale happy ending compared to rest of his life. The unbearable weight of the guilt he carried knowing about his family, never catching a break from work, over stressing, cripping depression and anxiety ruining and taking control of his life..... So dammit, why couldn't he accept it?! He desperately more than anything, wanted to, but his mind kept convincing him other wise. He could hear himself being called from a far away distance, and he didn't know where it was coming from.






His lover had been desperately tried to grab his attention ever since he zoned out behind the wheel. Before he knew what was happening, an oncoming car tried to swerve and avoid hitting them, but it was too late. It ended as a head on collision, the other car damaged, but with Sevens car entirely flipped over. Seven immediately lost consciousness with a quick blow to his head against the steering wheel, and Yoosung was barely holding on. He looked over to Seven, and started to panic. Everything flashed before his eyes and he scrambled for his phone in his jacket pocket. There was no time to waste anymore.

[Yoosung★ has entered the chatroom]

Jaehee Kang:

Hello Yoosung, We we're just talking about how you and 707 have been inactive for the past 2 days. How have you been?







Jumin Han:

Help...? What do you need help with?? Be more clear.


Car Crash..





Jaehee Kang:

Oh my God.....

Jumin Han:

I'm calling an ambulance as we speak. Yoosung, where was the accident?


Two blocks from....


New Arcade....

Jumin Han:

Got it. Now all you have to do, is stay calm. Can you do that, Yoosung?

Jaehee Kang:

Help is on the way, Yoosung. Take deep breaths. You mentioned something about Seven..? Can you explain for us??


Driving back from....




Save him if nothing else....

By this time, Yoosung's head was spinning, and he could barely think straight. Typing in that chatroom was currently the most difficult thing he had ever done. He would have called the police, but he already had the messenger app open, and he knew the RFA members could have handled it better than he could have. He looked over to Seven, who was still unconscious, and bleeding. Yoosung could feel himself starting to cry as he curled himself next to Seven.

"H-Help is coming, Sev..... W-We're gonna make it out.... J-Just hold on a bit longer..... For m-me..."


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