The Carnival

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Once they put away the dirty dishes, Luciel threw on some clothes, and Yoosung straightened himself up. The two boys made their way out the door, and headed towards one of Sevens many cars. Seven walked over to the passenger side, and opened the door for Yoosung, then walked over to the drivers side and hopped in. Yoosung did the same for his side, and Seven started the car, then backed out of his driveway. "So, Yoosung. Where's this carnival at?" Seven asked, briefly looking over to the overly excited blonde next to him, being sure to still pay attention to the road. "I saw it down-town, across from the coffee​ shop on main street the other day. It should still be there since it usually stays for around a week." He was practically bouncing up and down in his seat with anticipation, and Seven couldn't help but smile.
"Gotcha. Hey Yoosung?" He decided to make a bold move. "Yea, Seven?" Yoosung looked over to him.
"Could you, maybe stop being so precious for a sec? You're killing me." He smirked and waited for his response, knowing how vulnerable he was to flirting. "I-I... U-Uh.... I... " Was all the other managed to spit out. His face was quickly consumed by a bright red blush and tried to hide it.
"Kidding! Kidding!" Seven laughed and playfully punched him in the arm. Yoosung giggled nervously and continued to look out the window for the rest of the drive, his blush here to stay. Twenty minutes later, Seven pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. He and Yoosung both stepped out and observed their new surroundings. There was bright, colorful lights, corny classic carnival music, and the smell of pretzels, popcorn, and other varieties of junk food. Yup. This was the carnival alright. Seven broke his gaze and looked over to Yoosung. "You ready?" He said, shattering the silence. "Yup!" Yoosung said with an innocent smile.
With that, they entered the gates and looked around for what they should do first. "Ooh! Ooh! Let's go on the roller coaster!" The shorter boy exclaimed, his eyes shimmering with excitement. "Hehehe. You sure, Yooey? I heard this years coaster is reaaallyyy fast! You sure you can handle it???" An insulted look came over Yoosungs face as he turned his attention to Seven. "Of course I can handle it! I'm not a child anymore, Seven! I'm 21 for crying out loud!! Let's just go...." He said as he quickly grabbed Sevens hand and pulled him towards the line for the roller coaster. "Alright! I believe you! Just not so fast!" Seven laughed. The line shortened slowly but surely, a few people going in and then coming back out until it was finally their turn. "Yes!!! Finally!!" Yoosung shouted as he ran with Seven to get the front seat. They felt like kids again. They took their seats and Yoosung tried his best to contain his happiness, stars almost taking form in his violet eyes. Seven was once again entranced and couldn't take his golden ones off of him. He broke his gaze and fastened both of their seatbelts and secured them tightly. The worker walked over to them and checked that they we're all strapped in and ready to go, and said in the most dead, monotone voice they had ever heard. "Enjoy the ride, sirs." Seven finger gunned him and the ride suddenly took off without warning. It was way faster than Yoosung thought it would be. Yoosung was screaming while Seven was laughing and yelling with his arms high in he hair. Their bodies were slung in every which direction as the ride twisted and turned with high speeds. Then cane the loops.
"WOAHHHH!" Seven yelled as the cart turned upside down. Yoosung's face almost turned green beside him as he tried to prevent himself from hurling. They returned to their staring position and the ride suddenly stopped, quickly sending them forwards, then completely still. They exited, dizzily making their way back to the center of the carnival, Yoosung's face slowly returning to it's normal pale color, and both of their Blonde, and Ginger hair messy like they had just got done blow-drying it. Once their vision returned to normal, Seven smiled widely. "WOOHOO! LETS GO AGAIN!" He shouted. "N-NO!" Yoosung shouted back, using Seven as support. "lololol just messing. Let's go get some cotton candy!" Seven said as he pulled Yoosung along to a cotton candy vendor. He handed the man some money and in return gained a a fluffy swirl of sugar on a stick. "Want a bite?" Seven said with a smile, and tilted it towards Yoosung. "Sure! Thanks!" Yoosung said as he bit into the pink cloud. "Mm!" The sugary goodness covered his taste-buds and filled him with energy. Seven smiled once again. Suddenly, something caught his attention. "Woah!!! Is that a ferris wheel?!?" Seven pointed towards the ferris wheel and was filled with excitement. He hadn't been on one of those in forever and he really wanted to go on it again. "Woah it is!!" Yoosung responded. "Lets go!!" They bounded towards the wheel. They took a seat and waited for it to start moving. It took off and slowly made its way up to the top. "The view is beautiful up here!" Yoosung was having the time of his life, thanks to Seven. He just wished he could tell him how he felt. "Not as beautiful as you." It just slipped out. Seven blushed a deep crimson as the words left his mouth and left Yoosung frozen. His face was now covered in a bright pink as well. "S-Seven...?" Yoosung mumbled."Y-Yeah..?"

"I love you." He spit out quickly. He didn't know whether he regretted it, or it was the best decision of his life. Before they realized it, they slowly starting moving towards each other, staring into each others eyes. Finally, their lips met and stayed their for the longest time. They never wanted to part. Never again.

"I love you too."

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