Eternal Slumber

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"Mr. Kim?"

"Its time to wake up, Mr. Kim."

Yoosung's eyes fluttered open to see a tall man standing to his side. He must be the doctor. "Ah yes, good morning, Mr. Kim. I hope you've had a good nights sleep?" Yoosung nodded. "Good. You needed it after such a traumatic experience like that." The doctor scribbled in his clipboard as he talked. "Where's Seven..?" Yoosung couldn't bear to waste any more time concerning his health, and doing nothing. "Luciel Choi? We were meaning to tell you about him.... In fact, that's mainly the reason I woke you up. Are you feeling up to walking yet, Mr. Kim?" Mr. Kim.... I can't get used to that title.... He nodded excitedly, remembering the question. "Haha, alright then. Let's go." The doctor helped him maneuver his medical equipment down the hallway, and in front of the same door as yesterday. Anticipation soon overwhelmed him. "Now, remember. Luciel has suffered severe head trauma, so please be gentle. He is in a..... fragile state....." Yoosung understood, and nodded once more to show it. With that, the door opened. What Yoosung saw, was Seven, as he expected. It almost looked as if nothing had changed since the last night. Seven was still asleep, his glasses hadn't been touched, and he was still as breath-taking as ever. "He's still asleep..?" Yoosung looked back to the doctor, and moved over to the side of Sevens bed. "Oh, right....." He cleared his throat. "Mr. Kim, there is something important you need to know.... Please take a seat....." Sit down? Important?? This doesn't sound good.... He took a seat in the chair in the corner of the room and awaited the doctors information. The doctor sighed, and read off his clipboard. "I'm terribly sorry to say this, but Luciel is..... In a coma... We are afraid to say that we do not know when he will wake up..... Or if he even will.... " Yoosungs eyes widen in horror and shock. His heart fell to his stomach, which now had a heavy pit. "W-What..?" The doctor shook his head. "I'm so sorry. The blow to his head caused him to go into a comatose state. We just have to wait." There was now a river of tears ready to be released at any given moment in Yoosungs eyes, and once he blinked, they set to flow. "N-No....NO!!" I-I don't believe it!! H-He's just sleeping!! Please tell me this is a joke!!!" He pleaded. He didn't care about controlling his emotions anymore. This can't be happening.... This is just a nightmare..... Right...? "I wish I could say so...." Yoosung sobbed into his hands and didn't dare look up. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. He had seen movies like this... He would eventually have to pull the...

He looked at the outlet in the wall that was connected to his life support.
No. I refuse. I will never pull that plug. I will never give up on Seven. I will wait as long as it takes. He wiped his tears and the doctor patted his back. "I'll let you two have some time... " Then he walked out out, door clicking shut behind him. Yoosung returned to Sevens side. "I'm s-sorry... I'm so sorry..... This is my fault you're in this mess.... If it wasn't for me, you would still be up, laughing and making jokes again...." He gave a weak laugh to cover up his sadness. He barely managed to choke back his tears. He grabbed his hand and held it tightly. It felt like ice. If he wasn't breathing, he would have believed him to be dead. His soft breaths calmed his nerves. At least he was still alive.... He finally looked to his face, and examined it fully. His cherry red hair was messed and tangled. He had a bloodied bandage wrapped around one side of his head. He had cuts, bruises, and scars all over his arms. Did he....? No..... He would never hurt himself on purpose like that..... But... That would explain why he always wore his jacket..... No.. He wouldn't... He pushed the thought of it out of his mind. "Why did it have to be him..?" He looked to the ceiling. The lights flickered. "If there is a God up there, then why the hell did he let this happen?!" He yelled and paced around the room restlessly. "Why couldn't it have been me?! He was the religious one!! Why must you punish him like this?!" His face was burning. He was full of fury and confusion. "Oh, forget it.... He may believe in you, but I don't...." He sighed of frustration and held Sevens hand again, then bent down and kissed it. "I'll wait for you.... "

"No matter how long it takes... "

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