Warm Welcome

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"WOAHH....! SEV-" The blonde haired boy called out, mid-fall. Seven pulled him inside so quickly, and Yoosung wasn't expecting it and lost balance. Luckily, just as fast as Seven yanked him inside, with the same motion he snatched him up before he could hit the ground. "Gotcha!" He laughed and lifted Yoosung back to his feet. He stepped to the side and gave a bow, looking back into his home. "Welcome! To my humble abode!" He smiled and stood up straight once more. When he looked back to Yoosung, there seemed to be a small pink blush powered onto his face. He was probably just embarrassed.... The blonde quickly snapped out of his trance and looked back to Seven. "Uh.... T-Thanks.... I guess...." He seemed flustered. "No prob, Bob!" He gave him a reassuring smile. Suddenly, a thought came back to Yoosung. "Hehe.... Yea...... A-Anyways..! Seven, you said you had some sort of surprise....?" He asked, lowering his neck from looking up at him for a while. "Ah! Yes! The surprise! It isss...... Drum-roll please!" Seven started rapidly tapping on his legs and Yoosung let out a giggle. "A sleepover, with none other than yours truly!" He exclaimed happily. Yoosung tilted his head with interest. "A sleepover...? Wait a minute.... What's the catch..?" He said carefully, being sure this wasn't another one of his jokes. "No catch!! I just thought that you needed a break from all your stress from school and such." Seven said genuinely. "Besiiiiiideesss~ Whens the last time we actually hung out, huh? It's been forever!! Bonding time is required if we want to have a functioning organization!!!" The cherry haired boy said, flapping his arms to express how serious he was. Yoosung chuckled at his silliness. "Alright, alright fine. A sleepover it is." He nodded. "YASSSSS~!" Seven yelled and showed Yoosung the way to the living room and sat him down on the couch. He put a DVD into the player and turned his TV on. "Stay here. The previews should be over by the time I fix some snacks!" Seven said, as he hurried int hid kitchen, raiding the pantry. "We're watching a movie...?" Yoosung yelled over into the next room from the comfy spot where he was placed. It almost seemed like he hadn't sat on it in a thousand years.... "Yup!" He replied in the same tone because of their new distance. Yoosung could hear something popping. "What movie is it...?" He asked another question, suspiciously. "Ah ah ah! I'm not one to spoil!" Yoosung pouted with frustration. "Sigh...... Fine...." He decided he wasn't going to get the answers he wished for, so he stopped asking.

After a few minutes, Seven came back with his arms full. He had a huge bowl of popcorn, 15 bags of honey buddah chips, 10 bottles of PhD pepper, and a big smile plastered across his face as he sat down next to Yoosung. " Well somebody came prepared!" Yoosung said with amazement. "Of course! Movies are no joke. You cannot simply go unprepared for things like this!" Seven went on and grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth. By then, the movie had just started. The title revealed itself and Yoosung's eyes widened as he read it aloud. "Unfriended....? Seven....... What genre is this movie categorized as...?" Yoosung glanced over to his friend who responded cheerfully with his mouth full. "Horror." It sounded so casual, but Yoosung was filled with fear. "S-Seven..! You know how I feel about horror movies..!" Seven laughed off his worry. "Awww, Don't worry! I'll make sure to protect wittle Yoosung from the scawwy movie!" He picked at him. "Hey! Don't make fun of me! I'll show you I can handle this! You just watch!!" He said defensively and turned his attention to the movie. Then the calm atmosphere set in and Yoosung was getting a bit creeped out. He managed to keep it cool though. That is, until the first death. The girl from the movie started into the camera after she drank the bleach for the longest time without blinking, then the camera dropped to the floor and the call disconnected. Yoosung screamed and instinctively hugged Seven for comfort. It happened so fast that Seven was caught off gaurd. His face turned the color of his hair, and he soon realized he had a whimpering Yoosung in his arms. God...... Why does he have to be so damn cute...? Seven slowly rubbed his back to soothe his nerves, and hushed him softly. "Shhh...... It's just a movie.... No one will hurt you, Yoosung.... Not on my watch.... " The whimpering and heavy breathing soon slowed until his chest rose and fell in a rhythmatic pattern, indicating that he had fallen asleep. Seven smiled as he gently picked him up bridal style and carried him to his bed and layed him down. He decided not to mess with him, in case he he didn't want him to, but he took his own shirt off and layed down in bed, and watched him sleep. It was almost like a real life sleeping beauty. His pretty pink lips, his fair and pale skin, to his messy and tangled golden locks. He played with his hair for a while, combing it with his fingertips, just enough to where it was back to its original style. He rolled over and placed his glasses on his nightstand, preparing for sleep.

"Goodnight, Yoosung."

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