He's Being So Quiet

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Arthur knocked on Alfred's apartment door. No answer.

"Alfred, come on, there's a world meeting!" Still no answer. Arthur sighed.

"Probably sleeping in like the lazy American he is."

Arthur walked in and looked around.

"Wow, it's surprisingly clean in here," Arthur said to himself.

"Alfred come on!" He heard a creek. He turned to see Alfred walk into view, eyes red and face stained with dried tears. His glasses were crooked on his face.


"Have you been crying?"

"N-no..." Alfred turned and went back to his room. Arthur followed.

"Alfred, there's a meeting today. You need to get dressed."

He looked down at what he was wearing. A white T-shirt and black shorts.

"What if I don't wanna go?"

Alfred lay down on his bed and curled up in a ball on his side.

"You have missed the past five meetings."

Arthur went to the younger one's closet and pulled out his uniform.

"I'm not going, no one will miss me."

"Alfred, I don't care what you for what you say, you are going."

Alfred cringed at what he said. But he didn't see. Arthur left the room so Alfred could get dressed. After about five minutes Alfred came out carrying a pair of his boots. He put them on and stepped towards Arthur.

"Alright Alfred let's go."

Alfred sighed and walked out the door. 'He's being so quiet,' Arthur thought.

-an hour later-

While listening to Prussia ranting about how awesome he is, Arthur looked over at his brother. He looked completely upset and stressed.

"America, is zhere anything you vould like to add?" Germany asked.

Alfred looked up at him, then everyone else. "Umm, yeah, actually. I'm sorry I haven't been to the last few meetings. I haven't been myself lately. Arthur was the one who got me to come today."

"What's been going on?" Japan questioned.

"I don't know, having to deal with everything, I just haven't gotten a break in awhile. This is like a break for me right now."

Alfred turned his chair to face Arthur.

"Thanks for bringing me here, bro." Alfred hugged him. Arthur hugged him back and smiled. Alfred was finally beginning to be himself again. Or so he thought.

After the meeting everyone went home. Except Arthur. Arthur waited for a few minutes to make sure his brother was in his room before walking into his apartment.

He quietly opened and closed the door and looked around. He heard noises coming from the bathroom. He walked up to the door and listened closely. He heard sniffling.

"O- oww...."


Arthur knocked. He heard a gasp and rummaging. Arthur opened the door to a horrific sight.

Alfred held in his hand a broken and bloody razor. His wrists had deep cuts and blood was pouring from them. Alfred started crying.

"A- Alfred... Why did you do this to yourself?"

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