"He didn't wanna taco about it"

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**trigger warning, not major mentions talk of anxiety attack and people might relate to it** ***used google translate for other languages(correct if wrong)***

Alfred sat on his couch, anxiously tapping his foot on the carpet. He was waiting for Arthur to come back with the food so they could eat and talk with Toni over the computer.

Arthur had not left the building, all he had to do was go down to the front desk and wait for pizza delivery guy to arrive.

After about five minutes, he saw someone run quickly up to the doors of the building. Arthur greeted the man, asking him if he saw anyone shady around while paying for the food.

Fortunately, the delivery guy answered no, and went on his way. Arthur jogged back to the apartment, hoping Alfred was okay.

"I wasn't gone for too long, I think he's okay."

Arthur opened the door to see Alfred hugging a pillow tightly. The Brit hurriedly closed the door and went to comfort Alfred.

"Are you okay love?"

Alfred clung to Arthur's arm.

"I'm better than other times.. I just get anxious when you leave.."

"It's okay, you know I'll always come back."

"I know.. Lets eat some foods, I'm hungies."

Arthur snickered in amusement.



"Okay, love. Have some pizza, I'll go get some coke out of the fridge."

Alfred opened up a box and began stuffing a slice into his mouth.

"Artie why are you keeping the drugs in the fridge, I thought we agreed to hide them in your ass."

"I beg your pardon?!"


Arthur sighed. "Why are you such a smartass.."

"I learned from the best."

The brit walked back into the main room, carrying a six pack with him.

"Alright, let's call Antonio."


Arthur set up the laptop while cracking open a can of coke. The pair sat in a comfortable silence as they called Toni.

They were answered with loud Italian swears.

"H-hola amigos, just give me a minute, Lovi is kinda pissed right now-"

Alfred tried not to laugh as Lovino came sprinting up behind Toni, ready to tackle him. They could barely make out what he was saying, but it sounded like something similar to "HOW COULD YOU EAT THE LAST TOMATO, YOU SAID YOU WOULD SHARE!"

Toni yelped as he felt Lovino collide with his back.


Arthur snorted, almost choking on his pizza. He and Alfred waited for the couple to stop their quarrel, which lasted about ten minutes.

They had finally stopped after they came do an agreement. [;)] Toni situated himself in a chair and sighed.

"Sorry about that, he was really upset."

"Yeah, we could tell," Arthur replied.

"Okay, so I would like to start with how you've been since the last I've spoke with you both. What's happened in the past week?"

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