Gilbert Done Fucked Up

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*short chapter*

"Mattie, it's okay, he's getting the help he needs."

"I know but-"


Arthur lay a hand on his shoulder. Mattie turned to him, tears streaming down his face.


"I promise you, everything will turn out okay. I know, we all know, that this will take awhile. But it will be okay."

The Canadian sighed and leaned into Gilbert.

"What about the upcoming meeting?"

"We can tell any people we consider family, you know, like Francis. And we can tell Alfred's closest friends. Like Matthias. And Gilbert quite obviously already knows."

"We'll have to tell mein bruder since he basically runs everything, but he can keep a good secret."

"Yes, Ludwig too. And I'll be letting Antonio know since he's Alfred's therapist now."

"Okay. But what about everyone else? What if someone like Ivan finds out and tries to get to him?"

"Well, first of all, he'd have to go through the secretaries and nurse's and doctors and such. And he'd most likely be mad so the police would be called."

Arthur leaned back, taking in a long breath.

"And even if he did get through, Alfred himself has the choice to go see a visitor or not. And if he knows it's not me, you, Gilbert, or whoever he feels close too, then he most likely won't be making an entrance."

Matthew snorted at the last part.

"I kinda miss his grand entrances."

"I remember him kicking down the door once, West was absolutely pissed."

"Alright, alright, Alfie's entrances are pretty cool, but it sounds like you're talking about him as if he were dead."

"Arthur I have a question," Gil stated.

"What is it?"

"Who is the top and the bottom in your guys' relationship?"

Mattie smacked his boyfriend.

"You only ask because you feel the need to talk about our sex life, and nobody wants to hear about it. Stop it."

"NoBodY wAntS tO hEAr abOUt iT, stOp iT."

Arthur looked between the two, feeling both scared and amused. Gilbert couldn't see how absolutely livid Matthew looked.

"Gilbert, I'm pretty sure you just fucked up."

Arthur left his seat and walked into the kitchen. He wasn't cooking anything, he just wanted to watch from a safe distance.

"Did you seriously just say that?"

"Depends. Are you angry?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"


Gilbert stood up and picked up a blanket off of the floor.

"What are you doing?"

Gil draped the blanket around Matthew's shoulders, tying it around the front. He backed away a few feet before exclaiming,

"Now you're super angry!"

Arthur laughed as Mattie chased Gilbert around with a hockey stick.





Arthur laughed harder.

"Oh lord, I'm glad I called you to pick me up. This is priceless."

The Brit already had tons of videos and pictures he was going to show Alfred, and it had only been about an hour since he arrived at Matthew's home.

Matthew jumped onto the coffee table and gave Gilbert a deadly look. Gilbert had tripped and fallen.

"Are you gonna be sarcastic with me again?"

"Please don't hurt me.."

"Answer the question, dear."


"Have you learned your lesson?"


"Good. Let's go make some sausage like you asked for earlier."


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