No RomComs!

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Author's note: Just a warning, there are spoilers for Chucky movies. And a side note for those who may not know, Cassandra Cain doesn't speak much because her father didn't let her hear any words until she was six years old so she could focus on fighting. Now on to the story!

"Oh, Jason, you're home. This is a surprise."

"I could say the same to you, Dick," said Jason, taking off his red helmet after he entered the cave.

Dick was standing by the computer, resting an arm on the chair. It wasn't moving under his pressure so Jason could only guess Barbara was sitting in the chair, doing research of some sort. Another spoiler (a/n: heh heh) was that the screen was giant and showed the mugshots of a human that looked half asleep.

"Oh, yay. Todd's here. What a pleasant surprise," came a sarcastic voice of a young child. Or, at least, that's what everyone liked to refer to him as.

"Great to see you too, little bro," said Jason walking toward Damian to ruffle his hair. He pushed Jason away with a side dish of the stink eye.

"Babs, you almost done?" asked Dick, looking down at the person in the chair.

"Almost. Could you go get Tim? He might want to see this."

Dick sighed and walked to the door to the Manor.

"You two going to stay in here? Or should I stop time for you?" asked Dick, the entrance open. "Get it? Stop time, hold time, hold the clock, hold the door?"

The other two just looked at him. A sigh was heard from the chair by the computer.

"It's a grandfather clock! Ugh, never mind," Dick said, leaving and shutting the clock behind him.

A few minutes later, Tim entered. And a few more minutes later of awkward silence between Jason and Damian while Barbara and Tim droned on about the escaped criminal, all four of them finally left the cave. They walked through the halls of Wayne Manor to find where everyone else was.

"Is there a problem, Damian?" asked Tim, seeing he had a scowl on his face.

"With you here, there is always a problem, Drake," Damian retorted

"Stephanie!" exclaimed Tim, ignoring Damian after seeing his girlfriend. He ran up to her and they walked off, chatting together.

"Looks like it's just you and me, To–" said Damian turning around to face his brother. "Todd?" Jason wasn't there anymore.

"Now where did he go?" mumbled Damian in agitation. He suddenly spotted Cassandra from on the other side of the hallway.

Sneaking up behind her, he yelled, "ORPHAN SAYS WHAT?"

Before he knew what hit him, he had been punched in the nose. And Cass hadn't even turned around.

"Dammit!" he said as Dick came around a corner and found him.

"Such language is not suitable for a little boy like yourself," he criticized.

     Cassandra laughed lightly before walking into the training room.

"Shut up, Grayson," Damian said, holding his nose.

Dick threw an arm around his youngest brother. "Come on, we're playing the dabbing game in the dining room," Dick said, guiding Damian away. Then called into the training room, "Want to join, Cass?"

"No," was her only reply. A loud punch was then heard followed by what seemed to be the sound of the punching bag falling onto the floor after being knocked off its chain.

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