Chapter 2 | where not guilty!

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"Can I please have y/n l/n to please come to the witness box"

I look down at the chains around my arms and legs. I look over at my friends who too have chains around there legs and arms

"Y/n l/n" I sigh before going up. 2 polices around me.

I sit down and promise not to lie.

"What happened Saturday night"

"Me and Emily got a call from a unknown number. It was my cousin silly. She was in trouble."

"We went to help her. There was a girl there that night. We killed her" there was a few gasps


"S-she killed my mother"

10 hours earlier..

"Bitch please." That's the first thing I heard when I walked in the house "I can do it better"



"Alright then lets do this" I walked in the living and set my backpack on the floor "what are you guys doing"

My brother and Abby were looking right at each other "staring contest"

"Okay..." I looked at them one more time before leaving. I walked into the kitchen seeing grian making sandwiches "make me one?"

I sat on a stool. "No "

I did my best puppy eyes "please"

"You know that doesn't work on me right"
I then pouted "your mean"

"You bitch!" My brother yelled from the living room. "What are they doing?" Grian asked as he put away the ingredients "staring Contest"

I grabbed an apple and made my way upstairs.

I walked past Emily's room but stopped walking and walked back to her room.

"You don't know how I feel Mom! You where never in my life only dad was!"

I can see tears forming in her eyes. She never crys. She said that if she crys it shows she's weak and she doesn't like to be weak.

"Oh so what? Now you want to be in my life when I'm almost Turing 18! You left me and dad when I was 2! Fucking 2! So you could be with the love of your life and your new family! What about us! Huh what happened to us!"

She hung up and threw her phone at the wall. "Hey you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Fine: for a girl means there not fine.

"Emily your not fine. You know you could always come to me"

"How much did you hear"

"Not a lot but why did you Mom leave for a different family? Sorry for asking"

"It's... I'm not mad that she left she was never a mom to me. But I found out who her new family is... it's yukis family"


"Hey where you going!" I grab my baseball and Emily grabs a knife.

After I found out yukis her step-sister we got a call. From silly.

She's in trouble. Big trouble so where helping her out.

"We'll be back in 4 hours just stay here and lock the door."

"But I want to-" I close the door and we leave.

"We need Abby and grian. Kayla and Sam can stay here and watch your brother" I nod too and we call them.

After 2 rings grian picks up "what's up best friend."

"Get your ass over here. Bring Abby too we need help" I say quickly

"Woah calm down what's going on"

"Just come we'll explain later. Bring guns" I hang up and wait for them.



"I know but we need to hurry"

I explained to them what happened.

"But how do we know it was her?"

"Silly overheard them talking about it, I want revenge she wants revenge so where gonna help her. But no one can know. Not even my brother. I don't want him in this"

They all nod. "Let's do this"

If only I knew my life was gonna end too...


"Do you want to go to prison? Is that what you want?"

"No sir" we all say.

"If we find out it was really you who killed her you will serve 30 years in prison"

"But we didn't do it!" I wanted to scream at them. Yes we did kill her.

But that's what we thought! Yes I did say we killed her but that's when I didn't know she was actually fine! She was faking it!

"Not only will you serve 30 years in prison but when you get out you will not have any freedom. We would be watching you guys 24/7"

We're not guilty. She is.


"Silly are you here!"

I walked in there house. It was quiet. I heard footsteps upstairs. "Silly is that you?" I grip my baseball in my hand.

"Silly?" I call out one more time. I hear stuff falling in the kitchen.

"Anyone home?" I fell a hand touch my shoulder. I scream and was about to hit thr person

"What the fuck grain!" I can fell my heart beating faster. "Sorry, there's no one outside. Did you find her in her-" we hear someone upstairs

3 voices. "No" I whispered.

"But there's someone else in here with us"


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