Chapter 5 & A/N | my not so great escape

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I know, I know I'm been gone forever and I'm sorry :( I'm been getting better so that's good!

So I'm gonna make up all the time I've been gone.

Okay here we go


I lay back "honey, let me tell you a secret. I didn't kill her" I try to get comfortable which is impossible. With these tiny mattress.

"We have all the proof that you killed her. That's why we sent the police looking for you."

"You did What!?"

I sit up and look at her. "I know everything about you y/n and you can't keep running away from anything"


I looked at her like she was crazy "you don't know anything about me. And I'm not running away" I lay back down.

"Your dad got remarried to the girl he cheated your mom with, he has a kid with her. Ashely who you killed, you moved to Japan to live with your aunt and uncle. They have a daughter named silly. You and your group of friends moved to Tokyo after things got crazy. Your past and now boyfriend Taurtis. You broke up after a guy made him break up with you to keep you safe. You have killed.. 4 people in total with your whole group. You and your brother got kidnapped I'm pretty sure. Let's see...oh your new friends Kayla and Emily in Japan, you ruined your fathers wedding and your mom got killed"

I got up and walked towards her. "Where'd you get this information?"

"Your Mom and my mom where friends in high school."

"Where'd you get all this information" I asked again. My hands into fist ready to punch her. "That's for me too know"

Before I threw a punch at her the guards said "lights out! Well call out your names and you'll say here!"

I dropped my hands to my side and walked back to the small bed. I sat there and waited for my name to be called out.


I looked down at the chains around my feet. "Is this really Necessary? I mean I didn't mean to punch her" I lightly laughed.

"Yes" the guard simply said. I sighed.

That crazy bitch was getting me mad. I had to punch her!

The guard throw me in a small room. People where screaming and banging on the metal door. "Wait let's talk about thi-" the closes the metal door in my face. "Fine then" I sat in the Conner thinking how my life got this messy.

I walked around the small room for hours until something slipped under the door.


Oh thank goodness! I thought I was gonna die!

After i finished eating that disgusting food I planned my great escape. 

There was a small window at the very top. I tried jumping up to reach it but I couldn't. I looked around to use something useful.

There was a table.

Wow this prison sucks.

I grabbed the table and placed it under the window.

I hopped on and tried opening the window.

I first looked outside and saw nobody out there

"Okay y/n you can got this." I said to myself.

The bars in the window where the hard part. I ended up punching it.

"Fuck!" I grabbed my hand and cried in pain. Lucky the window opened.

I sighed and jumped To get out.

I pushed forward and fell down to the floor.

"Shit!" I got up holding my hand and ran towards the gate.

I climes up and jumped down. "Hell yeah! This is my great- not so great escape bitches!" I yelled out running away from the prison.

I ran all the way back home.

By the time I got home it was around 3 am. I knocked on the door loudly.

After no answer, I sighed and knocked again. "It's y/n open up!"

I heard someone running down the stairs and than I Heard a 'thud'. There was a quiet moment before the door quickly opened up and I was brought into a bone-crossing hug.

"Ohmygod! Y/n your here! Wait aren't you suppose to be in jail?" Kayla said getting excited. "I escaped now let me in girl. We need to plan another great y/n escape for the others"


It was the next day in the afternoon. We have made a plan to get them out but we needed to get ready for anything.

"Really? That girl sounds... creepy" I have just told my brother, sam, and Kayla about that weird girl in my cell.

"Yeah. We also need to find out to framed me I killing Ashly. Is she really killed?"

"We all think she's faked it. Like last time" my brother said.

"Maybe. There was a lot of blood"

"It could have been fake" Kayla said. "True"

"Okay I got the knifes and guns" Sam said holding them up. "Sam is guns really Necessary? I think we just need knifes"

"You never could know what's out there y/n" he gave each one of us a knife and gun.

I handed back the gun. "I don't need it" he just shrugged.

"Alright so this is the plan. We kill the-"

"There will be no killing!"

"We will make the guards Unconscious and make our way to there cell. Your brother will hack the system to figure out where they are and break them out"

"Sounds easy right?"

"It's gonna be hard since there's a lot- and I mean a lot of guards. I don't even understand how y/n got out"

"Guess I was lucky" I said.

"Alright team, are you guys ready?"

"Hell yeah man!"

We all got ready and went out to eat our friends back.

Let's hope this works.

Taurtis x reader: A normal life? (book 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें