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It's unsettling to see a strange staring at you from afar in public

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It's unsettling to see a strange staring at you from afar in public. What's worse is the same person staring at you from your front porch when you arrive home.

I must backtrack a bit for you to understand: Harper and I had been on a walk in the cool spring air, the breeze blowing through her hair as we discussed the test results given to us that morning. Her father had returned two days after the package arrived. He consented, and the next day she went in to be tested on what skill level she was at.

They read as follows:
Harper Wilson
Level: 4/10
Mastered skills: 0/20
Current skills:
Gravity Generation ⋅ 6/20
Increase gravity ⋅ 12/20
Weight Manipulation ⋅ 14/20
Reduce/Remove gravity ⋅ 14/20
Flight Manipulation ⋅ 12/20
Levitation/Flight ⋅ 14/20
Simulate superhuman strength and agility ⋅ 10/20
Floor Tilting ⋅ 7/20
Gravitation Adaptation ⋅ 8/20
Telekinesis-like effects ⋅ 16/20
Attract or Repel objects ⋅ 15/20
Force-Field Generation ⋅ 6/20

Harper was home-schooled and was accordingly tired of being confined to her room all day, so we had agreed to walk to the park and go over the results together.

While there, a well-dressed gentlemen walking down the sidewalk had paused suddenly upon seeing us. He stood there and stared for a full five minutes before going slowly on his way, discreetly pulling out a cellphone as he did so. Obviously he wasn't discreet enough for me not to notice, but the fact that he tried had me on high suspicion.

Nothing further happened out of the ordinary until we arrived back at her home, where the same man was staring at us from her porch.

"Should I call security?" Harper whispered, gripping my arm.

"I don't know if..." I looked down at her hand holding onto me; her knuckles white with the force she was using. Harper didn't scare easily, and the fact that she was worried, worried me.

"If what?" She searched my face, looking for an answer.

I took a deep breath and stared into her expressive eyes. She was always the decision maker, leading the both of us; often into trouble that she was also excellent at avoiding. But this time, she was depending on me, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to handle the situation until I saw her fear. Real men protect the women in their lives, and I didn't intend to cower behind her this time. This time I would lead.

"Excuse me sir, can we help you?" I stepped in front of Harper, shielding her from view as much as possible. Great start Blu, I mentally smacked myself as the stranger raised an eyebrow.

"You can, actually," he stepped forwards, pulling out a very official looking badge. "My name is Cleveland Wright, and I'm with the United States secret government program designed to help people like you."

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