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~Merida's POV~

If it wasn't for I making that deal with that chieftain, I think I would've ran. That thing was huge! Long, sharp black claws, swift flyer, and her sharp electric blue eyes seemed to spark with an uncontrollable fire.

I quickly pulled out an arrow and aimed but where she was seconds before was empty. Where'd that... thing go?

I picked up a small stone and threw it at a tree close to me. I saw a flicker of movement and quickly turned my head but it was gone.

I gave a huff of annoyance and shot another stone. This was pointless. The dragon obviously knew I was here.

I sighed and slumped back when something wrapped around my waist and dragged me up.

I let out a small yelp and shot an arrow but it easily skimmed off of the thick, black scales. The thing gave me a shake, making me sequel pin fear as I dropped my bow.

I slammed my eyes shut as I felt the soft stirring of the dragons breath on my face.

I slowly opened my eyes to see electric blue glaring back at me.

"How did you find me?" she growled.


She spread her black wings and with one swoop we were way past the dead tree that I has been hiding behind.

"Tell me, or I'll drop you." she spat, giving her wings another flap and her tail loosened around me. I clung to it, and looked at the dragon pleadingly.

"Please! It was just a job!" I pleaded. She bared her fangs at me.

"Do I look like I care? Now tell me ginger, how did you find me?"

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