Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“ Past is past, present is present and future is future”



“Don’t leave me Anthon please” I begged him, but he did nothing but starred at me coldy…. I chased their plane shouting he’s name again and again until I fell down in a hole…

I opened my eyes quickly as I had my dream more like a nightmare… it made me reminded of him again, I stretched my body firmly as I looked around me I was not in my room , I was more like in a hospital room.The blonde haired girl which was the girl from the other day came near me….

“how are you doing?” she asked politely

“I’m fine” I said

“ Anyways my name is Joy, just call me Nurse Joy, I believe that you were the girl which applied as a nurse and passed..” She said again

“ I believe! What happened” I asked

“ We saw you collapse in a supermarket so we quickly brought you here… anyways! Today is the start of your new job…” She said as she was looking for something in her bag…

“Tada!! This is you new uniform, I guess it fits you well miss Chime” The way she said my name was cute, it was pleasant to the ears…

“Thanks,”I gave her a bear hug….

Weeks passed by with the time slowly and boring…I just realized that being a nurse was totally boring, Joy, has been my very bestfriend in here, she is a happy, active, and loving person…It’s happy to be with her…

“Move aside please!” A guard from our hospital was screaming, as people made way for him and the patient.

“Nurse Chime come with me, the patient needs a nurse” He said while gasping for air.

“Yes” I said bravely,

When the patient was already in a safe room, several nurses which are more advance than me came… so I just stood back and observed what they were doing.

The patient seems to have a lot of wounds around him, leaving him exposed to his blood, to be honest with you, even though I was a nurse I still didn’t like seeing bloody scenes, it made me feel weak and sick.

As I was watching, the bloody patient looked at me with hope, he was… trying to say something? I came nearer to understand what he was saying…

“ Ass…A…ssins…. Assassins killed me, heartless jerks…. They must die” He said weakly, I felt pain in my chest Anthon was an assassin now so he was… heartless, I can’t believe it … the patient snapped me out of my thought as he said..

“Help me, be careful wi… with assassins” were his last words, I saw the way he closed his eyes… with hope, fear and love… I could sense it.

Few hours later…

My session in the day was done,So I proceeded to my home… Walking slowly but surely late at night was hopeless… I felt someone following me so I suddenly stopped without knowing what to do… or what to say, I closed my eyes tightly and prayed… after praying in the road, I ran to my house,when I was in, I quickly shut the door, when I turned the lights on, adrenaline attacked me as I saw pictures hanging in my wall… I saw pictures of me when I was young, pictures of my friend and,pictures of me with Anthon… It was so touchy but at the same time scary, because I didn’t knew how people who posted this got in my house without the door being destroyed.

Anger and tension visited me at the same time, I ran to to the wall and removed the pictures.

After cleaning the whole house… I got to my bed and rested.

1 week later….

I sat on the couch feeling uncomfortable, thinking of all the things that just have happened in my life…

Memories with Anthon invaded my mind while I was brainstorming… Remember ,being a nurse and HE, was the reason why I am here right now…

I hope my story is nice for you guys...

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