In The Beginning

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It was in the middle of August, in the year 2008. I was 8 years old, living with my mom in a 1 bed, 1 bath apartment. We lived in the state of California, in the city of Downey. Where we lived in South Gate, my aunt owned the place. It was a house in the front and two studio apartments in the back. I guess, my aunt wasn't getting enough rent money anymore so we had to move out.

It was kind of sad because I had also lived next to one of my best friends. His name was Edgar Sanchez. We had been friends since I was about 4 or 5, from what I remember. Every time I came to visit when I was older, he would show me the picture of us when we were younger. I was eating a lollipop at the time and he was standing right next to me smiling. The picture is resting in a snow globe. 

We had to pack up all of our things in boxes and load them into the back of the truck. After everything was packed up, we were saying goodbye to South Gate and hello to a new life. Once we arrived in the city of Downey, we started unloading everything from the truck. We got a front apartment so we parked the truck in the back. We started carrying boxes and went into the apartment. It was so empty but, that's how everything is before you move in. 

We were almost finished with unloading the boxes from the truck, when I saw a girl outside. She was sitting on a bench in the building looking at us. It seemed like she just wanted to know what was going on. So, I was going to go say hi but I wanted to wait until we were done with everything. My aunt Vicki was then leaving to go home after all the work we just did. I went to say goodbye and then she got in the car. She then turned the truck on and drove out. 

I told my mom I was going to go say hi to the girl sitting on the bench. I ended up talking to her first. I said, "Hi, my name is Praline." She replied, "I'm Olivia. It's nice to meet you." She seemed like a really nice girl. We started talking about how to pronounce my name and where I was moving from. After about 5 minutes, another girl came outside. I started to think about who it could be. But then Olivia told me, "Praline, this is my sister Faith." I told her, "It's nice to meet you." But, it seemed like she didn't even want to care. She just rolled her eyes at me and whispered something into Olivia's ear. Olivia then said to her, "Faith, that wasn't nice. She's new here. Why can't you be nice?"

Faith didn't care about what Olivia said, so she just stomped back into the apartment. Olivia told me, "sometimes she can be mean like that. But, you just have to get to know her." After about 15 minutes, I said to Olivia, "Well, I'm going to go inside the apartment and help my mom unpack some boxes." She responded back to me, "Ok. We'll talk again soon." 

I ran inside and started to look around. My mom saw me come in and said, "Well, what do you think?" I was young so I didn't really know what to say. It felt like I was just learning to talk. I then told my mom after thinking, "It's nice. But, I still miss our other house. It was really nice." My mom told me that she missed it too but that we had to live here now. So, I guess, this is where we're at now.

After a couple of hours, me and my mom were so tired. We started to get ready for bed. We both took a shower and put out our pajamas on. We then went to bed. That was the end of that day.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter. I tried really hard.

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