7th Grade Year of School

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I'm still in seventh grade for middle school while all of this is going on. So, 7th grade has been a bit stressful. I don't know if any other teen has gone through this much stress as a seventh grader.

Even though I'm living with my aunt Vicki, it just seems like nothing has changed. I still feel terrible for what I did.

Living in Huntington Beach, it actually kind of helps me heal inside but not so much. We can go to the beach every weekend as many times as we want. But, when it comes to the weekend, that's when I think about my mom. It starts to hit me because I realize that I'm not going home on Sunday afternoon anymore. So yes, my heart still needs to be repaired inside. I need more time to get used to this.

Finishing seventh grade while living in Huntington, is kind of bad also. Living in Huntington and then going to school in Downey, is so tiring. We have to drive back and forth, Monday through Friday. This has been happening for multiple weeks now. I just wish it would end.

I like my sleep, but getting up at 6:00 a.m. to get to school by 8 is not working. I just wish West would move closer so I would still be able to go there. I love the few friends I have there and the teachers I've had so far. They have all encouraged me so much by giving me so many great life lessons to live by.

Even though I'm not that old enough to maybe understand something like living somewhere, I still think about the apartment me and my mom lived in. Well actually, my mom still lives there right now but I'm in Huntington with my aunt. So yes, I don't know what we are going to do with the apartment. My mom doesn't like living alone so I don't know who's going to move in with her. It sounds like my uncle Bruce might move in to live with her for a bit. They are siblings after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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