Behavior Early On

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I was a good kid, meaning I never did anything wrong. You can ask anybody at my middle school or elementary school.

I was one of the good students. Also known as, the goody two shoes. I kept my grades up, so I wasn't failing and my grades weren't dropping.

I couldn't let what was going on at home take over my life. The school I went to, was the one place that I was safe and not being hurt at the same time.

My life was good. I was happy with how I was living. I had a good mom and I had a good family. I didn't know how it could ever change, but it did.

I had so much hope for my life. I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. All I could ever think about was, my future.

I wanted to be a singer. Music was the one thing I found joy in. Even though I didn't know how to write a song, singing the songs on the radio, always made me feel so good. Sometimes, my mom would even sing along.

I lived my life the way I wanted, not realizing what would happen next. 

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