The Strauss Plan - Part 2

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"Natsu, what in Earthland are you doing?" I ask. Meanwhile he is trying to balance a fancy meatball on his nose...and fails miserably. I laugh when it falls down onto his white shirt. "You deserved it." I mumble. He overhears me. "Did you just say that I deserved it?" I shake my head. He throws a meatball at me. It misses and hits the little girl behind us. Then she decides to throw the rest of her ramen in Natsu's face. It drips down his nose and he has the most priceless look on his face. I'm laughing my head off. Soon the whole place has gone nuts.

I pass the cornerI must continue with my plan. Step one: Get out of the house for a few hours without questioning complete. I peer into a certain restaurant and see the two inside...throwing food like imbeciles. I stare for a moment though, admiring what's happening. They're perfect together... No! What am I thinking?!

I chuck an apple at some lady. There is a crowd of people stumbling over one another trying to stop the madness, but in my opinion, its the best thing that's happened in years. Lucy leans up against my back. Its like we're fighting, we've got each others backs.

Once there was a girl that never left me alone. She followed me, admired me, watched me, and it terrified me. She always would wear a purple hoodie that looked like a dress on her and black flats. I was positive she liked me. Or maybe she was some stalker who someone hired. But I doubt that. I don't know why she started doing it. I never did anything to her. Maybe I let her use my pencil or something.

So that's why I'm horrified to see Lisanna Strauss in those same exact clothes staring in the glass at me.

He makes eye contact with me, and I look down, pretending I never was looking. I disappear into the crowd at the fancy restaurant. No one notices me making my way to the young blonde.

It seems as if I'm gliding. Like there's no one to notice. Its quite a risk doing this in such a busy place. I blend in with the others, then, when Natsu isn't looking, take the girls wrist. I turn away so she can't see my face, so no one can. Her arm struggles to come away, but I hold it firmly in place.

She starts to yell after attempting to pull away with all of her might. "Natsu!" She screams. "Someone!" "Help me!" But she and I both know that the crowds noise will overcome her words.

And we fly of the restaurant.

She turns to look me in the face. "I'm sorry about this..." I say, then hold a cloth up to her face. She falls back as soon as she breathes it in.

I'm sorry Lucy.


I can't lose her again.

"You see, I can't wait any longer! You need to freaking find her!" I yell to the policeman across the table from me. He nods his head. "We're trying." "Well try harder!" I yell back.

Its been a week since Lucy had mysteriously disappeared. No one knows why or how she ran away or was taken. The police have been searching nonstop because of Natsu's request and money offer. Many of them are worn down to the bone and have given up. Natsu hasn't. And he doesn't plan on it either. After the food fight was broken up, there was no sign of Lucy at all. Natsu checked everywhere, then declared her missing to the police.

And he still has yet to find her.

End of A/N

My feet pound on the ground underneath me. She has to be somewhere. She's not dead. I know that for a fact. So where is she? I swear, if by a slight chance she is dead, I'll make sure to kill the person with my bare hands that murdered her. Just what was the motive?

I can't help but feel a swirl of emotion. Angry and anxious because Lucy is gone, sad because I couldn't save her from it, and all around terrible.

I sit down on a bench to sort my thoughts.

Then something catches my eye. A tray of pink lemonade.

And by then, I know that I have to find her.

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