There Are No Words Left To Speak

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How can the joyful noise of a restaurant disappear in such a short amount of time? It seems one moment there were bright lights, the next there were none. It was like swirls of darkness. Like I had fallen into a hole and I couldn't pull myself up. Like something had demolished the life and wonders from the world. I guess that's why I'm scared. I fall downwards into a dark hole. My minds twists and turns. I see Levy jumping on her bed. I see Michelle washing the dishes. I see my mother in her funeral home coughing. I can't describe the emotions I'm feeling as each mirage like picture traveled through my mind. And then I see him. Natsu's smiling. That bright smile when he tells you everything is alright but everyone thinks otherwise. It fills me with hope. But then comes the cloth to my mouth, the boney hands of a girl tugging on my wrist. And I'm instantly back to were I was.

My eyes start to open slowly. Its blurry at first, but after I blink for a second I can see properly. I seem to be leaning forwards uncomfortably. My wrists are tied with scratchy ropes to the metal platform behind me. My feet are tied, same as my hands, to the bottom of the board. I start to panic. How long have I been here?! I take a deep breath. I tell myself to remain calm. My arms are sore from hanging off of the platform and suspending me.

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