First day

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Millies POV~~~
She got up at 7:23, looking at her reflection And wanted to cry,she has never been confident in herself and now she would have to make another first impression,She figures that crying won't make it better.
She went to the bathroom and fix her hair and brush her teeth and other things of course,
"The one good thing about this uniform is I don't have to pick something to wear." She thought
She put on the uniform, the shirt was navy with the schools emblem and a plaid skirt,exactly what she didn't want it to be.
she finally figured out how to get her stockings on,the school didn't care what shoes you wear as long as they aren't 8 inch heels
She decided to just wear her converse, she wanted to be comfortable her first day.
She chuckled
"Maybe Finn goes to this school."
She laughed harder at envisioning him in a similar uniform but without the skirt.
"Millie! I hope you're up because it's 7:45 and I'm leaving! Have a good first day!
She heard the door shut and let out a sigh.
She went down stairs, she was to nervous to eat so she just got on her phone until the bus came
She started breathing quicker As she walked quickly outside and into the bus
"Just get to the back and you'll be fine and pray no one is already sitting there already.
Luckily no one really noticed her as she made her way quickly to the back
After a short bus ride, and arriving at school she was obviously the last one off the bus. She walked in. her gaze steady on the ground
Then she pulled out her schedule she didn't get to read much before it was yanked out of her hands
"Hmmm what classes does the new girl have."
A boy a little taller than Mille stood in her path
"Excuse me but I need that."
She tried to snatch it back but the boy was to fast
"Not so fast we have first and fifth hour together so after first period you can have it back."
He smirked. Millie was red with anger but held her hand out signaling him to lead the way
"I'm Troy by the way, what's your name? And your accent is pretty cool can you say my name?"
Millie didn't like all the questions and demands so she just politely told him her name and once they got to the doorway of the first class she finally got her schedule back and spoke with the teacher then sat in the back of the class. The bell rung and once the chatting died down the teacher stood
"Class we have a new student in our history class!"
Millie's heart stopped,the last things she wanted was to be noticed.
"Would you please stand and say a little about yourself ?"
The teacher said kindly with warm eyes
Millie didn't think her legs would support her but yet she stood slowly the whole class turning, somewhat shocked they didn't notice her
"U-uh well, my name is Millie, and I just moved here from fort smith."
Then she shot back in her chair, that's all she wanted them to know
A few people in the class started whispering and a few asked her to say certain words because of her accent. She turned red and just wanted it to stop
"Hey! Leave her alone! Just because she has an accent doesn't mean you should make her say things!"
A familiar voice said. Everyone slowly found their way back to there desks
Millie's eyes scanned the room to try to find who it was. She knew it wasn't Troy or the teacher.
A pair of familiar brown eyes caught hers.
Finn, they were Finns.

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