Meeting 2.0

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A/N: hey guys!!! But literally 353 reads? I was thanking you guys for 24 then 50 then 80 then 100 then 224 and now BAM like ok anyway my other two fanfics are just starting out and one is being read a lot the other.....not so much 😂 so please go check them out! Love AND LIGHT 💜
General POV~~~
They are at Millie's/Charlie's house
"So the first day we met on the train."
"You had this journal."
"Oh no"
"You said everything."
"It's just song lyrics and sketches! Nothing important"
"I'll leave it alone if you draw me"
"Ok but later." She agreed
(Sorry I forgot to take it off bold and I didn't feel like redoing's like 2 in the morning so yeah)
Millie's POV---
The two were in Millie's living room.
"So does your brother have ANY good food?" I stand up and lead to him the kitchen.
"I just order pizza all the time so I don't know."
He started rummaging through drawers with a look of disgust on his face.
"Seaweed chips? Vegan cheese?" I laugh
"He's a doctor, so I guess that's an excuse?"
"Nope, I can't have him feeding you like this!" He joked.
"So we're going to the pizza place!" He announced triumphantly.
We are about half way there when he stops me.
"So, ummmmmm my friends are gonna be there." I stop, he laced his fingers with mine. Then kisses my forehead.
"Come on, I know they'll like you."

"Ok lets go." I say, not making eye contact.
"Don't be mad please! We can't have a bad first impression now can we?" I hate when he's right. We talk for awhile, he doesn't try to bring it up again but I know he will sometime.
"So are you excited now?"
"For the pizza, yes, for the people, no."
He laughs.
"Ughhhhhh you're killing me MB!"
He leads me in. They aren't here yet, Finn orders two pizzas and we sit at a long booth.
"Can I be up against the wall so I can just sit by you?"
"Yes of course."
The first two walk in. A plump curly headed boy, who doesn't have the right amount of teeth, comes up and just hugs me, I hate hugs but hug back, the boy next to him is my height, everyone else is usually taller than me. He has a bowl cut and seems fairly normal he doesn't hug me luckily. We sit and they introduce themselves as Gaten and Noah. They're both nice so that's good. A few minutes later two more people walk in, hand in hand, a red head and a boy with a chocolate like complexion
(Lukasa a.k.a. Chocolate daddy 😏😂 sorry 2 in the morning still delusional)
The girl is Sadie and the boy is Caleb, Caleb doesn't seem to care that much but Sadie is ecstatic.
"I'm so happy I'm not the only girl anymore! I mean I love you guys and all but you can get annoying sometimes." We all laughed.
We get our pizza and all finish up.
"Ok let's play truth or dare!"
Gaten suggests.
Oh jeez, I don't think this will end well.
Sadie asks Noah truth or dare
"Ugh, you big baby."
"Is it true thaaaaat, you and Jennifer haze kissed after the dance!"
His face turned a little red.
"No, no it wasn't like that."
"Sure schnapple." They all day in incision.
"Alright, Finnie, truth or dare."
"I dare you to get a tattoo "

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