One last time

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Millie's POV}{}{
Today's my last day, in my fantasy, my dream, I thought I could be happy, i was happy.
But, one thing I've found out is, you can't be happy and except it to last.
I told Sadie and the others about Finn and how I didn't want to see him the last day, I didn't think I could bare to see those brown eyes and that freckled face.
Charlie was really awkward about it, he wasn't the best at comforting people.
I pull on my back pack and trudge out of my house, Sadie always walks with me to school, the first thing she does when she sees me is hugs me, I feel tears drop onto my shirt.
She actually cares?
"Millie I'm going to miss you so much! Promise to text me everyday?"
I nod
She wipes the tears from her eyes.
"It's a good thing I didn't wear mascara today!"
She's trying to make me laugh, which I appreciate, but I can't force myself to.
We walk along the cracked sidewalk and into the school yard. Gaten is the first to rush up and hug me, Noah does as well, but me and Caleb are more of handshake people.
"I'll miss you guys."
Is all I can muster without crying.
"A-are you going to say bye to Finn?"
Simultaneously they all slap the back of Gatens head.
"N-no it's fine guys."
I lie
My first and last lie to my best friends.
In the pit of my stomach I can feel the pain that i used to feel coming back, before I came here.
Then I hear the voice, the voice that used to make all the pain go away, but this time, it tripled the pain.
"Millie! Please! At least look at me!" He shouts while Caleb shoved him back, I don't want Caleb to hurt him but also am thankful, I know Finn isn't hesitant to grab me and pull me away.
Finn tries to fight back as Sadie pulls me inside, one single tear drops on the cold tiles of the school.
One tear
Finn hasn't tried to talk to me again, which I didn't expect, I don't know why I feel sad about it. I raise my hand to go to the bathroom, I've been holding in tears all day and who likes math anyway?
After maybe three minutes I expect it to sound suspicious that I would be in there that long.
When I'm walking out an arm pulls me into the janitor closet, it's dark and smells like mop water, and I know who it is.
He pulls the chain that dangles down from the lightbulb then stands in front of the door.
"I couldn't let you leave without even saying bye."
I try to push past but finn is obviously stronger.
"Millie! I'm begging that you don't leave me on a sour note, I wasn't trying to be selfish, I wasn't trying to sound mean, I just......... don't know what I'll do without you."
The first smile in awhile spreads across my face.
"It's ok, I kinda overreacted too."
I intertwine my fingers with his.
Then he lets go, why would he let go?
He grabs my face and smashes his lips Into mine.
Like before, all the pain and worry washes off me,I wish more than anything this could last a lifetime.
We walk out, hand in hand, I'm going to miss him more than anything. I never thought a boy like him, could care about a girl like me.
He walks me home, I'm trying my best not to cry but he knows me to well.
He pulls me into a hug, maybe our last.
Charlie has already put my
Bags into the car, this can't be happening, this is like nightmares that I've had, but I wake up before it gets to far.
"Time to go mills, I'll give you a couple minutes."
He goes back inside, the others have joined, not asking about me and Finn, we haven't let go of each other's hand since the closet.
"I love you guys! I'll miss you!" We all had a group hug, Gaten and Sadie were the two that were crying besides me.
We started a group chat and they left to give me and Finn some time.
He handed me a tube of bright red lipstick
"What's this for?"
I asked as he smirked
"I want you to kiss my cheek, I'll never wash it!"
I giggle, then start to apply the lipstick.
I Softly kiss his cheek, leaving what you would expect, a lip mark.
"Ok now one on the lips."
He puckers his lips.
I laugh
"Nice try Wolfhard."
He pouts
"But but."
"Oh ok."
I peck his lips
One last time.
The End
A/N: thank you guys so much for reading at voting! I might possibly do a sequel but I'm not sure yet since I have my other fanfic going.

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