Finally perfect

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated I've been super busy, please please please go check out my other  fanfic and tysm for 540 reads that literally insane!!!! LOVE AND LIGHT 💜
Millie's POV}{}{
Time skips: one week
It's been a week since Finn got his tattoo and he claims his parents haven't said anything about it, I'm still a little worried.

Me and Sadie have become really close, her and Caleb have been dating for three months now and every time he's around she gets goggly eyes and drools and pretty much ignores me but I don't mind, we have had a couple sleep overs and I've never had a friend like her, it's amazing and fun and also scary. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. My brother is fine with Finn and our relationship, and I convinced him not to tell my mum. I haven't called her yet, I'm definitely not calling my father. It's all his fault, a part of me wants to hate him, the other part is glad, I wasn't happy where i was anyhow,but my family used to be happy, then my brother moved out, then everything went tumbling down, it wasn't his fault of course.
The boys and Sadie are all really nice and funny and we hang out everyday after school.
I have to go do homework, I'll write more later.
General POV+++
Millie tucked her journal back into her nightstand and to the park to clear her head, she wanted to call her mum but thought she couldn't, what would she say? She didn't want to leave.
She sat down at a park bench and plugged her headphones in. That's when she felt her feelings melt and worry wash away. She was stopped by the music suddenly stopping, replaced by a buzzing and a ringing
                   Mum 😊
Millie stared at the green button, then the red, she didn't know what to do. The knot in her stomach that was just washed away reformed.
"Come on, Millie, you can do this. Finn would want you to." She muttered to herself she clicked the green button.
Millie's POV<<<
I hit the green button, then my heart stops as a lift my phone to my ear. I hear a breath of relief, is she happy?
I hear her breath in a few raspy breaths, she's trying not to cry, but so am I.
"Millie! Millie is it you?! I didn't think you'd answer. I-"
"Mum, it's me, calm down."
She breaths out another breath this one more calm.
"I-I miss you sweetie, we have a lot to talk about." My heart skips a beat.
"Listen, me and your dad, well he is moving to Texas to pursue his job and you'll be moving back here with me and your-"
"I have to move back!? Mum I can't! I'm finally happy I-I-"
"Millie, you have to listen! You can't stay there, Charlie is never home and something might happen to you and I won't be there, besides you have someone else here who needs you."
A few tears stream down my face, then I realize what she said, who is waiting for me?
"Who needs me?"
"Millie I" she stops, then sighs and pauses.
"Millie, I'm pregnant."
Finns POV{}{}
It's Sunday and Millie hasn't replied to any of my texts, that isn't like her, I know when she's busy she'll text and tell me but she never just ignore.
I need to find her.
I have to find her.
I run as fast as I can to her house, she isn't in her room and doesn't answer the door.
Where else would she go?
I check the library
The park
I jog to her, she's on the phone and doesn't look happy, she hasn't seen me yet and I figure just to ease drop.
"Mum, what do you mean?"
I her a frantic voice on the other end.
Her mother? I knew she didn't want to talk to her nor her father.
"I don't understand, why would you do that if you knew about the divorce?"
I'm worried
I don't know what I would do if she would left.
"I can't leave, you don't understand, I've meet friends and I love my school! And- and there's a boy."
She's talking about me, at least I hope
A smile spreads across my face but doesn't last long when Millie's lip quivers and tears spill over her eyes.
"Please, mum, please I'm begging you."
A few moments later she hangs up angrily.
I can't take this anymore.
I run and grab Millie and pull her to my chest.
She tries to pull back then realizes it's me.
She rubs her face in my shirt, then her body racks with a sob.
"Finn, she wants me to leave."
"I won't let her, I love you, no one can make me ever stop."
"Finn, you don't understand."
She sobs again.
"She's pregnant, I can't let her raise the baby alone."
She looks up at me and her big brown eyes with the golden flecks and they fuse with mine.
"I'm sorry, Finn."
She gets on her tip toes and kisses my cheek.
Her soft, thin hand leaves mine and she starts walking away.
"Millie wait!" I start jogging towards her.
"Finn, I can't stay, you know I can't, and you know I want to!" She doesn't look up at me.
"You don't understand! She can't make you, your happy and you deserve it."
"That would be selfish."
"I don't care!"
"Hey, now your being selfish!"
"No I'm not!"
"Finn really, I love you and don't want to leave, there is nothing we can do."
She tries to leave again, I grab her fore arm.
"Yes there is!"
"Like what!?!"
She turns and yells, trying to pull away.
"I-I, we'll find a way!"
"You really aren't helping!"
"I'm just trying to-"
"I don't need your help anymore, I'm leaving, so hurry up and forget about me like everyone else!"
I let her go
Why did I let her go?

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