Iron form day (operation miraculous artical)

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On the 3/2/17 as apart of the year 7 transition program, the new year 7 students participated in Iron form day. The first activity was a presentation by each class which they had to perform a jingle/chant, a pin board with a their own catch phrase and they had to create a mascot representing the class. After recess each student from year 7 was put into a random group for trivia. The trivia questions included categories such as movies, cartoons and sports.

At lunch the school provided a sausage sizzle and a vegetarian patty for the year 7's for the upcoming events. The last activity included different sports. These were egg and spoon race, over under, sponge squash and many more. Each activity today except for Trivia was judged and scored fairly to bring out a winner. The winner was............. 7E3! Congrats to every class who participated in Iron form day yet 7E3 won the Iron trophy.

We'd like to thank all the students and Teachers for helping on Iron Form and bringing a smile to start of this year

Written by Q101610 and myself @Dat_weird_Liv

This was just an article that was going in our schools newslette and so I decided to publish it here. My friend I mentioned just joined Wattpad so go follow her


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