Student LED

8 1 1

*goodmorning/afternoon/evening- introductions
*purpose-> to Share, celebrate, for you to understand me as a learner
Subject                                                                           ->learning,  progress,
                                                                                          achievements, journey 

Good evening,
In these 10 minutes of your time I am here to share with you what I have done so far in the year. I'm here to talk about my goals, achievements, strategies and progress. Subjects I will be sharing with you tonight is English, Math, Humanities and Japanese. In these areas of my presentation I will go over the topics and Common assessment tasks that we have done for these 4 subjects, in the words of the Japanese tongue, hajimishimo (let's begin)

To start off with our tests coming into the year in writing, we had to do a style of test called an e-write. With this test I placed in a 7 band which is year 8 level and I  got a scale score of 499.0. With these results I came up with my writing goals, one being to make sure TO PROOF READ! Ahem, anyway this goal was to work on my skills by writing short stories focusing on an aspect of writing for example paragraphing.

Behaviour matrix-respect responsibility and value relationships

Going on to a direct subject, in English we have been focusing on story structure at the start of the year. One of our CATs that we had done was an oral presentation. It was about a book that we had been reading during class of our choice and had to report back with 8-10 items relating to the book and what they meant to the storyline. (Show pepper ghost) one of my items was a pepper ghost figure that looks like a hologram. In this CAT I had my doubts but I got a total of 90%. Still room for improvement but I was happy none the less.

Moving onto a less fun subject Math. In this subject in semester one we focused on 3 key math areas. Statistics, directed numbers and Algebra. For my statistics CAT I got a total of 93% the same score on my directed numbers CAT as well. But before each topic we do a pre-test. This is to see where we are in this topic and where we need to improve on. For my algebra pre test I got 53%. To be honest I thought I would have gotten lower. At the end of the topic we do a post test. It's the same as the pre but it shows our improve throughout the topic. I reached a total score of 100% I was so happy because I was also quite worried about Algebra since it was  something completely new to me.

Next subject comin up, Humanities. Taught by Mr Singh here our CATs consisted of a Timeline of Australian and international events before our common era or as we learnt BCE. Next CAT was on water based natural disasters, my natural disaster was hurricanes and a specific one was Hurricane Matthew. First score was 90% and on the second CAT was 98%. (Show part of hurricane slides)

Now to my favourite subject JAPANESE! Doing it for 7 years and 3 years of extension I was no stranger to this subject. We were focusing on knowing all the hirigana characters which is the Japanese alphabet which has 46 characters. We learnt them by doing step tests. Each step test had different ways of helping us learn. (Show growth in step tests) we also had worked on classroom commands, greetings and numbers (Show work sheets)This was for our first CAT and I got a total of 86%. I know exactly where I went wrong. Our next CAT was on hiragana and I got 100%(show CAT).


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