Locked Up

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He wasn't feeling annoyance. Or anger.

Actually the annoyance and anger were morphing into another emotion that was causing the tightening in his gut, it was frustration. The same type of frustration he felt when he knew when he was predominately in his Soldier mindset of when a mission didn't go the way he anticipated. He remembered this exact feeling when Nick Fury evaded him momentarily by burning a hole in the asphalt escaping to the sewers.

As his jaw was clenched in irritation, his mind was analyzing every move he made up until the present moment. He retraced every action – every thought - he made contemplating what he could have done differently like did he underestimate his opponent – his target.

He could recall the same potent vexation the Black Widow brought when she managed to shoot him in the eye protected by his goggles, get away, get the drop on him, and then sting him with one of her tasers.

But nothing compared to the utter anger that was swirling in his veins as he sat behind Steve in the Quinjet on their way to Siberia.

Despite all the thinking that was causing a vein in his forehead to pulse violently he still didn't what the hell had happened on the ground. He knew what was happening all around him regarding fighting with Steve unfortunately against Steve's friends, but even with all the action around him he knew Karina was away from the fighting. Her presence wasn't on anyone's radar except his.

He was very close to having his throat clawed out which was almost fitting considering how much his metal limb crushed throats when T'Challa's attempt to kill him was hindered. The King of Wakanda's black suit was saddled in blue electricity temporarily disabling him enough for Bucky to move away before blue was replaced with a fiery red and the King was thrown away from him. Bucky found Wanda and Karina as the source of him not becoming a scratching post. Even though he was grateful that someone had his back, he was very pissed that Karina was not doing her mission of making it to the Quinjet unseen.

As they quickly ran with her being shielded by Wanda's red force field, which he knew was probably taking a lot out of the young witch, Karina explained that the purple dude – Vision – had intercepted her and luckily Wanda had managed to distract Vision enough to save his ass since he was T'Challa's personal brand of catnip.

After that he wasn't sure what happened.

They were separated as Wanda covered Karina to take cover from the various vehicles and ground support equipment. He ended up next to Steve taking cover as they needed to rethink their course of action considering the psychiatrist was most likely in Siberia and their opponents were not relenting on their attack or in his opinion trying to hear the truth in this circumstance.

He still had the bitter taste of swallowing the reluctant valid fact that Sam pointed that not all of them would make it to the Quinjet and some needed to stay back and concede to losing the battle. This was what exactly happened, as they passed over the airport, he didn't even see Karina.

But the problem was that them fighting wasn't even the main fight.

The fact that Steve's group of friends were fighting against each other, Bucky didn't know how he felt. It didn't bode well for him that he was disrupting Steve's life in a way like this because of his demons.

"What's gonna happen to them?" Even though Bucky was concerned about what were the ramifications it was for Steve's friends to be allies with them, his main concerned for Karina

He watched as Steve fidgeted in his sit slightly before he tightened his shoulders as he responded, "Whatever it is, I'll – we'll – deal with it."

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