Chapter 12 - presents and a fan?

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kayla pov

when I woke up I struggled to get up because harry's arms were wrapped around my body with his head rested on my pillow. I slowly pried of his arms from around me and got up and walked to the kitchen. When I sat down at my counter I boiled some water for a coffee and noticed the present I forgot to give Harry.

I felt arms being wrapped around my stomach that scared me which made my body jump "morning gorgeous" he chuckled
"You can't scare me like that, I'm going to get you back now!" I smiled "do you want some coffee?"
"Please" he nodded his head. I poured him a cup and gestured for him to sit down at the counter with me. He grabbed the mug and sipped on the coffee, I grabbed the wrapped present and slid it towards him.
"What's this?" He questioned
"Well I forgot to give you your valentines present yesterday so you can open it now"
"You didn't have to get me anything"
" shhhh, be quiet and just open it"

He smiled lightly and began to unwrap the plain paper. When he got to the apple box he looked up at me because he saw the logo
"No way did you get me this!" He exclaimed
"Yup" I said popping the p
"This is way to much"
"Oh just shut up and take it!" I said sarcastically. He stood up and engulfed me in a long hug and kept saying thank you.
After i gave him the present we hung out for a little while longer until Harry said he had to go because he was filming a video. I decided while he was gone I would go out and do some shopping.

When I got to the shopping centre I walked around and went in and out certain shops coming in and out with more bags. Before I went into another shop I walked back to my car and put my bags in there. When I shut the door I noticed a girl staring at me with a weird smile at the other side of the parking lot while a boy was by her side with her gripping his arm tightly pointing towards me.

I didn't take much notice so I just walked back into the building and into a shop to buy a new vlogging camera. I picked out the perfect camera and payed the cashier. The camera fitted in to my purse so I put it in there to make sure it was safe.

As I was walking out of the store a large figure bumped into me and almost sent me to the ground but they had caught me before I could fall.
" oh I'm sorry I didn't see you coming out of the store" he smirked
"Don't worry"
"Wait I know you, your kayla! I love your videos I'm such a big fan!"
"Really?" I laughed
" yeah, can I maybe have a photo?"
"Of course you can" I laughed and let out an awkward smile. It seemed like he had planned everything he was going to say . I took the photo hoping for is to be over as soon as possible. I saw him taking selfies of us and slowly brought his hand down finishing taking them. He looked really uncomfortable and guilty but I couldn't understand why

" can I have a hug"
"Sure" I laughed nervously. When he hugged me I heard a silent snap of a camera from the side of us, and I turned around to see the girl from the car park. She hurriedly put her phone down pretending she wasn't there.
" there you are zack! I've been looking for you all over" she spoke in a fake voice
" okay it was nice to meet you both, I've got to go now bye" I awkwardly mumbled and walked away

"Is that enough"
"It's more than enough" I heard their voices in the distance but I just shook my head and carried on walking to my car to get home quickly.

Authors note,
Sorry it's not a great chapter lol it's kind of a filler chapter to develop the story haha
Let me know in the comments what you thinks gonna happen or what you'd like to happen !
Make sure to vote on it to lol

P.s. I know you're reading this kayla

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