Random Thought #3

102 2 5

February 16, 2017

I may not see tomorrow

I may not last a day

I may not see the rising of the sun nor see it set in the west

I know that I'll have a bright future ahead

For the Father in Heaven promised me a mansion up above with pavements made of gold and tears will exist no more

Darkness won't take place where lightness would always exist

It is never true that forever does not exist for God is the living proof that forever does exist and so is His love

Sent His only begotten Son to save us from the curse

The curse caused by Adam and Eve found in the book of Genesis

Sent His only begotten Son to save us from eternal spiritual damnation and gave us the privilege to attain eternal life in Heaven with Him through the blood of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ

I will never fear physical death cause I chose to follow Christ and receive Him as my personal Savior, repenteth of my sin and earned a place up above in Heaven

My name now is written up above in the Book of Lamb, the list of people who will live there in Heaven

I shall never fear physical death whenever and wherever it may take place for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

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