Random Thought #27

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April 12, 2017

"It's Been A Long Time My Friend"

With every memory I had with you, it was full of laughter and joy.
The very first time I saw your face, I felt the connection I've never felt before.
I tried to ignore the odd feeling I had towards you,
But you were so hard to resist.
It was like you were a long lost friend that I've never even met.

A few days gone by and I was successful in ignoring you even if you were talking to my friend.
When my friend left, she said something that caught your attention.
But it was too late for you to ask her what she was talking about because she already left.
I was still there and you noticed my presence, you asked me what my friend was talking about and that was the beginning of our unforgetful journey as friends.

We started to bond more and talk about that old guy who kept bothering you wherein you thought that he was hitting up on you.
I told you maybe he was just being friendly and maybe lonely in a place called land down under.

We exchanged numbers then frequently talked to each other.
There wasn't a day that we never talked and we'd only stop talking when one of us is sleeping or when the other one is busy at church.

In the process of our friendship, we both learned that we were each other's soul sibling: we both just ended a complicated relationship, we both are active in church, we both sing in a choir, we both have the same eyes, we both have anxiety, and we both are funny and quite emotional.

You sent me voice memos of you reading a story before I go to bed.
In exchange of the audio stories you sent me, I sent you records of my voice singing while playing the guitar.
And when I can't send you a record of my voice singing while playing the guitar (because I still need to master the song), you ask me to just send you a record of my voice either singing in acapella or just plain talking.

As each day passed by, we became super close that I gave you my other number which was a personal number that I only give out to my family and few chosen friends.

Weeks passed by and I found out something about you that you didn't tell me.
But that was okay because I knew that deep down in your heart, you were a genuine big brother to me who would fight for me and help me in times of need.

It's been a few weeks of not talking to you and if ever you're reading this, I would just like to tell you that I miss you, big bro, very very much and I'm kinda emotional right now because I really considered you as a bestfriend even if we just knew each other.
I mean, hey, we shouldn't base on how long we know someone to consider them a bestfriend.

All the best for you and God bless you, soulbrotha!

Your Soulsister

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