Random Thought #9

51 0 3

February 20, 2017

She's a brave girl who hid her battle scars behind her smiles and laughter
She made a tough decision of letting go of that someone who loved her unconditionally because she can't compromise respect for love
She made everyone around her happy of her presence and laugh at her jokes
She's a funny person who gives sarcastic remarks of things happening around her
She's a courageous girl who never backed out from fear
She's a warrior deep inside yet only a few know it
She's a crazy friend who talks about crazy topics she could think of
She's a loving daughter, sister and friend to her family and friends
She's a religious person who has strong faith towards God
She's an understanding and loving kind of human being and can stretch her patience to its limit
She's a trustworthy person and a loyal one too wherein you can count on her in the high and low points of your life
And one day like the rest of the people, she'll disappear from the face of this earth and no one would even remember that she existed after a few generations pass by.

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