Part 8 - When Habits Make You Their Slave...

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As the day came to a close, Juliet had an idea. She went to her mom. "Mumma, can I help?" Her mother was winding up the kitchen, and Grace was helping her. Grace said, "That's fine, Julie, I'll help. You sleep. I anyways don't have college tomorrow. So, I can sleep later." Juliet was irritated with Grace's habit of poking her nose, even when she was not being spoken to. But, right now, she had to act wise. She ignored it, and chose not to react. She told her mother, "I usually don't help you, but today, I just realized, I am growing older. So, I should be more responsible now. Let me help you, mom!" Hannah was obviously happy. She said, "Grace, looks like we are about to have a nice mother-daughter session. You retire for the day, love. Goodnight!" Grace was obedient. She bid goodnight to both the women, and left. 

Juliet smiled. Hannah said, "So, what is it really that you want to talk, Julie?"She was a clever woman, and she knew well that Juliet had some other purpose to come to her. Juliet said, "Err, no, mother. You are assuming false. I am genuinely here to help." She was pretending, but Hannah was clever. "Julie, I understand people. And you, you are my daughter, for heaven's sake. Whatever is on your mind, speak up!" Hannah assumed, it would be the girl talk that every young girl has with her mom, about growing up, about puberty, about boyfriends, about pregnancy, and so on. She was even open and welcoming if it was about a guy in Julie's life. 

Julie said, "Err, mom. You are right. You know me too well." In her mind, she screwed her face, because she knew her mom did not know her one bit. She has always loved Grace, never me, Juliet thought. Hannah smiled. "So...?" She was asking Juliet to continue. Juliet said, "Mom, it's going to be my twentieth birthday! I wish to celebrate in a big way! I need some money." Hannah was surprised Juliet was here for something so meager. Hannah said, "Money? That's all? I really thought you had something more, something big to talk!" Juliet shook her head. Hannah said, "I am wrong then, I do not know you. I still have this feeling, you have a heavy heart and want to talk!" Juliet shook her head again, and said, "No, mumma! I am done. Will you give me cash or not?" Hannah was perturbed by everything - her gut feeling which kept nagging at her, and Juliet's strange behavior. She said, "How much do you want?" Juliet stammered a little, and said, "Err, umm about... ten thousand, may be?" She let it hang in the air. Her mother's mouth fell open. "Julie!! Ten grand for what, darling? We aren't inviting the whole of city, are we?" Juliet got irritated. "Really mom? Ten thousand for the whole city, are you serious?" She was filled with bitterness. Hannah said, "Julie, its big money. I am sorry, I need to consult Edward before I agree. Maybe you could take about two or three thousand. Otherwise, please speak with your father!" Hannah walked out to the main hall, and then to her own room. She was disturbed, that her daughter had such high aspirations about something as inconsequential as a birthday!

As Edward came around to sleep, Hannah spoke to him about everything that went on that evening. She said, how she had a feeling that Juliet had something going on, and how she had asked for so much money. Edward said, "So you are right, my wife! You feel it is about a guy, and her seeking so much money, kind of justifies it, right?" Hannah nodded but was not too convinced. "Ed, I don't mind a guy in her life, but I should meet him, approve of him. She has to open up to me, for that. How else can I approach this?" Edward knew his wife was right. He promised her he would speak with Juliet first thing in the morning. 

The next morning, Juliet woke up with a foul mood, because she knew her father would know by now. She hated her mom for never keeping any secret from dad. Just as she put her bag on the dining table, for breakfast, Edward said, "Julie..." And she knew it, it had begun. "Yes, dad!" "Julie, Hannah tells me, you need ten grand. I don't quite understand what sort of a plan do you have in mind, for the celebrations?" Juliet had a ready answer, because she had been cooking it up all night. "Dad, I attend a hundred parties. From cake to return gifts, good food, drinks even, I want to have the best of it all. My friends never think twice before throwing such lavish parties. How can I be a miser and celebrate with just a cake?" Edward nodded. After a long pause, he said, "Hmm... You have a point. But you know what, I disapprove of such lavish parties. I would rather, you miss college that day. Instead, attend the mass, pray, confess, and feed the poor. I would give you ten grand, if you wish to do that. Not for partying, though, sorry!" He was straightforward. Juliet frowned. "Dad? Really? I attend parties, and when its my turn, I skip college? Wow! That's the worst idea someone ever gave me! And I am surprised, its coming from you!" Hannah got worked up. "Julie! That's not how you would talk to dad!" Edward signaled her to relax. "Julie.. your mum and I .. we have built this...everything that you see... bit by bit.. With lots of efforts and hardwork. Its for you to relish in your life, not waste it away on useless things. I am sorry to say this, but you never asked me before attending these parties, so now don't ask me about throwing a party either! I do not approve! I am ready to give you three thousand - that's for your dress. I will have the cake ordered, as you like it. So, that expense is out. And there is nothing left to discuss on this, now!" 

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