Chapter 4 - Rescue

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I kept up with her but kept a safe distance back. I knew that most lone witches couldn't do a spell or curse strong enough to harm me on their own and that they needed their coven to perform powerful magic but witches were incredibly strong and fast so I needed to stay on guard.
When she reached the opposite end of the alley it was a dead end and she paused and sniffed the air, "We need to go up onto the roof."
I nodded once and watched her leap onto the flat brick wall and scuttle up like a large spider. Not wanting to lose sight of her I backed up a little and found a drainpipe I could shimmy up. When I hauled myself over the ledge at the top she sat waiting for me. I frowned at her and gestured for her to keep going.
Was I doing the right thing in following her? Was I really overreacting earlier when my master was a few minutes late? Maybe he was back there now with the rest of the group listening to their assignments, and here I was failing miserably following a witch through the city. I didn't even have the excuse of hunting because I promised her I wouldn't harm her and a hunters oath was a strong bond and difficult to break. That's why I stated my terms clearly so I could defend myself if she turned on me.
We ran a few blocks when she stopped abruptly.
"His scent is not as strong up here in the open as it was down in the alley but I am pretty sure it now leads back down onto the street. I will be more certain when I am down there." I nodded again and follower close behind her as she sprang down to the ground. I landed just as silently as she did but she wasted no time. As soon as her feet were on the ground she was running past the people on the street and across the busy road. I ran hard to keep up with her but was knocked sideways a few times by the civilians. I just managed to keep her in sight as I made my way across the road. She was waiting outside a rundown, closed shop and she gestured for me to hurry. I reached her and tried to keep my breathing steady even though my lungs burned for more oxygen. I didn't want her to see how exhausted I was.
"He's inside, I'm positive. But we must hurry I can smell his blood, he's been hurt or the hunter may be feeding from him." I spat on the floor angrily as a bad taste entered my mouth. This was why I wanted to be a witch hunter to stop the evil hags from feeding on the innocent, they needed blood for their magic but when they fed they fed deeply until the person died.
I pushed past the witch who had led me here, I no longer feared about being led into a trap my only thought was of my master lying on the ground while a witch drank his life away.
I slammed the sole of my boot into the lock of the door and surprisingly it yielded on the first attempt. The door must have been old because the wood had splintered easily. I rushed in and stood until my eyes adjusted to the gloom. The shop was an old antique place with crappy knick-knacks on shelves and in cabinets and everything was covered in a heavy film of dust and webs.
"They're downstairs," the witch whispered behind me and although she wasn't that close to me and her voice was soft, I startled before walking on.
I wound my way around the cluttered little room and stood at the top of a flight of stairs leading down to the basement. It was densely dark down there and I could find no source of light.
Suddenly a small groan of pain filtered up to me.
Anger pulsed in my veins, although I had never heard the sound before I knew it was my master. I stepped on the first step as the rage engulfed me. My eyes started to adjust and although it was still dark I could see the outline of the things in the room.
Smells hit me instantly, the musty, dusty smell of the shop but also a sickly warm twang that I had never smelt before. My saliva glands also opened up making my mouth water. Strange, when I was scared my mouth usually dried out but then with a twinge of pride I realised that I wasn't scared.
Amongst a few boxes I could clearly see my master sprawled out on the floor, his eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling as he made small gasps. Draped over him like a shadow was a witch cloaked in a black cape, she was clutched on his neck like a grotesque leech and was so transfixed on feeding that she didn't even hear me approach.
With my knife clutched in my hand I didn't even hesitate as I plunged it deep into the nape of her neck. There were only two ways to kill a witch; either remove the head or with fire. My blade was deadly sharp and severed her spinal cord. With a twist of my arm I ripped the knife out sideways, slicing the rest of her neck. Grabbing her by the hair I tore her head from her body with a roar before launching it across the room. I didn't stop to think about what I had just done and about it being my first witch I had ever killed I was only concerned about my master.
He looked up at me, weak from the loss of blood but otherwise okay.
His smile was magic as he gazed up at me, "Well done Venatrix." He wheezed weakly. "You've done me proud, I always knew you would make a good hunter."
"The best," a voice said behind me.
With all my focus and attention on my master and the now dead witch I had forgotten about the one I had brought with me. Grabbing my blade I spun around and crouched low to protect my master. His hand reached out and lowered my arm with the weapon. "It's okay dear one." He said a little stronger, "You don't have to fear Mari she's not like the others we face." I tensed.
So it was true, everything she had told me. She did know my master and they did have an understanding.
"Don't you think its time we told the child the truth Drake?" Mari said looking past me. "She has proven herself strong to your gain and not mine." I frowned and looked back at my master, he sighed and struggled to sit up. Helping him I propped him against one of the dusty boxes.
"I didn't want to tell you like this, I wanted to make you my apprentice first and train you." He said looking at me with pity.
"Me?" I squeaked. He wanted me as his apprentice. "Well do that. Make me your apprentice and follow your plan you don't need to listen to this witch." I said watching his face carefully. I was so close, he wanted me but my heart plummeted as he started to shake his head firmly.
"Don't talk about her in that tone Trix, you see she is your mother." I moved back slightly knocked off balance by his words. How could he say such a thing to accuse me of being a daughter of a witch? It was my turn to shake my head as he started to talk again. "NO!" I said firmly.
"My mother died giving birth to me, I have no family. You knew this when you took me in."
"It's true dear," the witch put her hand on my shoulder. I whirled around fast and turned on her, my knife trembling slightly in my hand. "You are a liar! All witches lie!" I spat the words in her face.
"Then kill me. You've been trained to kill witches and you've proven that you can do it." She pointed at the headless body at our feet.
"But you won't be able to kill me because my blood runs through your veins and to double that your father made an oath to never hurt me. So with his blood flowing through you also you are bound stronger still." I found it hard to understand her words. My father made an oath? "You know its true I can see your struggle, you really want to hurt me but your body won't allow you."
I growled in frustration. "I have no mother or father, and only a hunters oath can bind. My father was no hunter." I hissed angrily.
"Your father is a hunter," she smiled.
"Venatrix!" My master gasped. I turned to see him struggling to get to his feet. I clutched his arm and helped him up. I needed to get him out of here he was still bleeding, he needed proper help.
"Venatrix meet your father," the witch smiled wickedly. I looked at my master and then back to her again before finally looking back to the man I supported. He was staring at me almost regrettably.
"Is this true?" I whispered, "Or more of her lies?"
"Everything she has told you has been the truth, a witch cannot lie to their own." He steadied his feet as I dropped my grasp on his arm.
"This can't be true," I took a step away from the pair of them, back towards the stairs. Was this another test he was putting on me. It couldn't be true he hated witches as much as I did. If this was true then the two of them had been together. Had she tricked him or did he hate witches because of her. But even if they were together at some point I was not a witch or even half of one. I would know. "Trix let us explain," my master croaked. Us? No I couldn't stay here anymore I turned and ran.

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