Chapter Four: Pyrobolt (Part One)

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(A/N: Warning, Preston gaining his powers is very painful, and by that, I mean it's like, a hundred times worse than the rest of the group, when you imagine it. You've been warned. Prepare for the pain.)

He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

It was just fate.

"No, wait, that can't be it!!!" Preston screamed looking at the television, his mouth hanging open and a look of disbelief on his face. He was standing up, gripping the T.V. remote in his hand so tightly that his knuckles were white. He let himself fall back against his couch, grabbing a pillow and burying his face into it, letting out another scream of frustration, which was muffled by the pillow. After a moment, he lifted his face from the pillow, and he groaned, "Oh, how I love you so Attack on Titan, but please, stop with the cliffhangers!"

Sitting next to him on the couch was Landon, who shook his head disappointedly at his older cousin. The two had been the first episode of Attack on Titan's second season together on Adult Swim, and the episode had just ended, leaving the screaming Preston and the confused Landon (of whom Preston had forced to watch it with him). "I don't see why you like this so much." Landon yawned, "It really isn't that great..."

Preston interrupted him with a loud gasp, slapping a hand over his chest. "What do you mean, 'not so great'?!? This is the best!"

"Not worth staying up until one o' clock in the morning for!" Landon yelled back. Preston continued to glare at him, even when Landon stood up and went into the kitchen.

Preston sighed, turning off the T.V. and following Landon into the kitchen. "Hey, you don't have any coffee in here?" Landon asked, shutting the fridge that he had been rummaging through. Preston shook his head.

"No, I usually just grab Starbucks. Why would you want coffee this late?" Preston asked, an eyebrow raised. "I mean, you can swing by the Starbucks down the street, but I don't know if it's still open. If not, there's another café further down the street. They're open for sure."

Landon opened his mouth to reply, bit was interrupted by a bright flash from outside and a loud clap of thunder, making both him and Preston jump. With a short sigh, Landon nodded, and left the condo in search for the much needed caffeine. That left Preston all alone in the condo.

Preston, already bored, went back into the living room and plopped onto the couch, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Checking the time to see that it was indeed past 1:00 AM, Preston grumbled, and he decided to call Landon to see if he could grab him a coffee too.

"Come on; pick up....pick up..." Preston mumbled to himself, holding his phone up to his ear. It rang for a bit, and Preston groaned as it put him straight to voicemail.

Preston shoved his phone into, frustrated. He looked around the room, trying to figure out what he would do to occupy himself. He would watch T.V., but he was literally just doing that a moment ago. He would play video games, but he had done a really long livestream just earlier that day, and had recorded two other normal videos to go with it.

As he continued to think, something caught his eye from outside of his window. He couldn't see exactly what it was, but Preston could see a faint blue flickering light from behind the curtains. Raising an eyebrow, he got up and walked over to the window, parting the curtains to look outside. When he spotted the source of the light, his eyes widened, his mouth falling open.

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