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i dislike my parents. they dont appreciate the things i do. even if theyre small things. My dad always judges my art or tells me to "throw away my crap or shit". Either that or he tells me to stop writing and focus on my work. if i dont work, it means i dont give 2 shits about school ok? Dont bother me about it anymore.;o

and then there's my mom. she always comlains about me not listening to her. but how am i supposed to feel like shes my mom when she doesnt even treat us like that sometimes? There was this one point in time when my dad left us, she didnt cook for us or anything. all she had in her eyes was my dad. and as for my siblings and i? well we were left to feed ourselves and go on about the house like nothing ever happened.

my mom cried all the time, but she acted as if we were nothing and the only thing that mattered was my dad. and he was that to her. "id die for your dad." she had told us once. how do you think that made us kids felt?




well? we felt like shit. what about us? What would happen to us if you left? where would we go? .... okay well the point in all this is that i can hate my parents sometimes. but inside i know i love them because theyre my parents but to be honest i can sometimes hate them to no end. and if they werent my parents, i wouldnt talk to them and i would ignore them at no cost.


okay guys, im also here to say The Dragon Tattoo should be updated sometime next week. There's a big suprise heading towards you and you'll never see it coming!!:D Okay thanks for reading this. I hate putting all my venting out in the news board thing, so i'm putting it in journals on this. :) I'd also like to talk about myself more and the updates on my books on here! So if i ever update this then its either venting or and update on a book.

Alyssa Also Known As Tamatsuki - Just MeWhere stories live. Discover now